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SEIAI Journal


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2008-10-01 (水) 中高2学期中間試験1日目
2008-10-02 (木) 中高2学期中間試験2日目
2008-10-03 (金) 高校2学期中間試験3日目/中学1,2年遠足
2008-10-04 (土) 高校体験入学・学校説明会
2008-10-06 (月) 10/4の代休
2008-10-07 (火) 中体連駅伝競走大会
2008-10-09 (木) 高校3年選択家庭科実習
2008-10-10 (金) 落ち葉
2008-10-14 (火) 高校修学旅行出発
2008-10-15 (水) 高校修学旅行2日目
2008-10-16 (木) 高校修学旅行3日目
2008-10-17 (金) 高校修学旅行4日目
2008-10-20 (月) 中学2年生ディベートの授業
2008-10-21 (火) 高校修学旅行イタリア班も帰弘
2008-10-22 (水) 吹奏楽部練習
2008-10-23 (木) 中学海外語学研修出発
2008-10-24 (金) 柿の実
2008-10-25 (土) オンコの実
2008-10-27 (月) 英語礼拝
2008-10-28 (火) 高校3年の面接練習
2008-10-29 (水) 高校3Dクラス担当礼拝/中学3年生海外語学研修から帰弘
2008-10-30 (木) 桜も紅葉

2008-10-30 (木)

Day by day fall is approaching and with it comes the changing of the leaves. Right now, the Cherry trees leaves are turning especially well. With the colder weather, some staff and students are developing colds.

2008-10-29 (水)

Today homeroom 3D led the morning chapel service. A student who wants to teach handicapped children spoke of how she hopes to support the those with disabilities in the future. After she spoke all 3D students sang hymn number 533 as a postlude.

The third grade junior highers have returned home safely from their homestay in Australia. They're tired from the trip, but they came to school briefly before returning to their homes. It was great to see their smiling faces.

2008-10-28 (火)


2008-10-27 (月)

今日は英語礼拝で、ニック先生がお話をしました。神様は私たちの人生にそれぞれ目的を備えてくれていますが、それ以上に神様が愛したように愛することが、すべての人の目的なのだというお話でした。讃美歌は日本でもよく知られた“いつくしみ深き”(312番、What a Friend we Have in Jesus)を英語で歌いました。
Today was the monthly English Chapel service, led by Mr. Nick. Today he talked about how God has a purpose for each one of our lives; our purpose is to love the way that God loves. The hymn was one that is well known in Japanese too. It was "What a Friend We Have in Jesus".

2008-10-25 (土)

There are two small "Onko" trees on campus. One of them has recently sprouted lots of red fruit. There are usually only a few, but I think this is the first time there have been so many.

2008-10-24 (金)

The persimmons have appeared on the trees again this year. They have already broken one branch on the tree. Either because of wind, or just the plain weight of the fruit.

2008-10-23 (木)

中学3年生が海外語学研修で オーストラリアへ出発しました。29日(水)まで。そのうち四日間はホームステイをします。写真は生徒が持っていった“旅のしおり”です。表紙は各自で工夫して作っています。
Today third grade junior highers departed for a one week homestay and travel program in Australia. Pictured here are the students' guidebooks. Students made and decorated the covers themselves.

2008-10-22 (水)

Band students are practicing for the All Aomori Wind Ensemble coming up this weekend. Most of the third grade students who are graduating this spring have taken time off for college entrance exams and other preparations, and this performance will be the first time on stage for many of the younger members. Now there are only a few students in band, but they are giving it their best. In other news, other clubs including the art club, photography club, Go club, and music club are also having performances and / or exhibits this month.

2008-10-21 (火)

The domestic school trip came back to Hirosaki on Sunday morning, and this evening the international trip arrived home safely as well.

2008-10-20 (月)

中学2年生は国語でディベートについて学習しています。 実際に肯定側と反対側に別れて意見を発表し、最後には国語科教師のアドバイスがありました。論理的な話の進め方と同様に意見発表時の態度などが説得力になることを学びました。

2008-10-17 (金)

This is the fourth day of the domestic school trip. This evening students are at Universal Studios Japan theme park in Osaka. From here they will proceed to Kyoto.

2008-10-16 (木)

This is the third day of the international school trip. There is a seven to eight hour time difference (depending on daylight savings time) that means afternoon in Japan is morning in Italy. Pictured here, this morning (in Italy) students visited the Vatican.

2008-10-15 (水)

This is the second day of the domestic school trip. Students went to Okinawa Memorial Peace Park. Students saw memorials to both domestic and enemy soldiers they had read about in textbooks. They also viewed wartime artifacts, and had time to ponder the horrors of war at the museum.

2008-10-14 (火)

Today students from both the domestic and international school trips departed from Aomori Airport. This picture is the students who are going to Italy waiting for their flight to depart from Narita International Airport.

2008-10-10 (金)

The fallen leaves are becoming noticeable on the grounds. There is a three day weekend this week. And on Tuesday, students leave for the domestic and international school trips respectively.

2008-10-09 (木)

家庭科実習高校3年選択家庭科で、 来客の時のお茶とお菓子の出し方を実習しました。生徒が間違えると教師から待ったがかかり、「どこがおかしいか」質問されます。小さな動きにもなぜそうするか、理由があることを学びました。
Today for Home Economics class third grade high schoolers practiced making tea and sweets for guests who may visit their house. If students made errors in preparation or presentation, they were corrected by the instructor. Students studied which movements and manners were correct and incorrect for this situation. They also learned why these inappropriate actions are incorrect.

2008-10-07 (火)

Two junior high teams (one male, one female) from Seiai participated in the long distance relay today at the Hirosaki Athletics Park. "I'm sorry to say that we didn't get first place," commented one first grade relayer. In total fourteen students participated. Also, the first grade junior highers went to cheer their classmates on.

2008-10-04 (土)

体験入学 高校の体験入学と学校説明会が行われました。400名を超える中学生と100名近い保護者・塾関係者をお迎えしました。 中学生は校内スタンプラリーや体験授業、部活などに参加しました。保護者・塾関係者には校納金に値下げなどについて説明が行われ ました。写真は開会式の様子です。
This Saturday was a visition day at Seiai. Four hundred interested students and about 100 parents and teachers attended. Pictured here is the opening introduction. Then students attended sample lessons from teachers, as well as sample extracurrcular activities. Teachers and parents also attended meetings about entry fees (recently lowered), projected college entrance, etc.

2008-10-03 (金)

Today first and second grade junior highers went on field trips. Second graders went to a nature park and cooked their own lunches over a fire. First graders went to see the new Towada City Art Museum. The art museum had more than just visual experience, the current exhibits also utilized other senses (sound and smell for example) as well. This picture was taken at the front gate in front of a horse monument made of flowers.

2008-10-02 (木)

For the first time in a while the weather is nice. Today is the second day of midterm tests.

2008-10-01 (水)

Today both junior high and high school students started midterm tests. This week has been chilly, and most of the students have dawned their winter uniforms.

弘前学院聖愛中学高等学校 http://www.seiai.ed.jp/