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SEIAI Journal


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2008-11-01 (土) 漢字検定対策講座
2008-11-03 (月) 第二回中学校説明会
2008-11-04 (火) 生徒会立会演説会
2008-11-05 (水) 高校3Eクラス担当礼拝
2008-11-06 (木) 校庭の木々
2008-11-07 (金) 中学海外語学研修の写真掲示
2008-11-08 (土) 中学校 Music Day
2008-11-12 (水) 高校2Aクラス担当礼拝
2008-11-13 (木) 高校2年英語暗唱大会
2008-11-14 (金) 茶道部の活動風景
2008-11-15 (土) PTA高校1学年部会
2008-11-17 (月) 中学3年生図書館で調べもの
2008-11-18 (火) 中学1,2年音楽体験講座
2008-11-19 (水) 高校2Bクラス担当礼拝
2008-11-20 (木) 雪景色
2008-11-21 (金) クリスマス・リース作り
2008-11-22 (土) 校内進路ガイダンス
2008-11-25 (火) 修学旅行報告展示会
2008-11-26 (水) 高校2Cクラス担当礼拝
2008-11-27 (木) 修学旅行事前学習
2008-11-28 (金) 献金日
2008-11-29 (土) 中学校試験対策講座/イルミネーションの取り付け

2008-11-29 (土)

Today the baseball team helped put up the Christmas lights around the front entrance. Every years the trees grow taller and the job gets harder, but with teamwork and some ingenuity, they got the job done. After 3 days without snow, the remaining snow has mostly melted and it's become a little warmer.

来週行われる期末試験を前に、中学校全クラスで試験対策講座が行われました。 写真は中学校校長、柳町先生の数学です。
With final tests starting next week, most classes are reviewing for the tests. Here is a scene from junior high math class today.

2008-11-28 (金)

今日は“幼い難民を考える会”を覚えての献金日でした。 この会はカンボジア内戦以降、約30年にわたり、幼児期の子どもたちが安心し て暮らせる環境づくりと、女性の自立を支援しています。 私たちの力は小さいものですが、少しでもお役に立てればと思います。
This months offering went to refugee children we have fled the civil war in Cambodia. The "consider the young refugees" charity provides relief for small children and support for their mothers allowing them to regain their independence. This offering is something small, but it's something we can do to help them a little.

2008-11-27 (木)

First grade students who will be going to Okinawa next year have already begun researching their trip. They learned about the horrors of World War II, the American bases there, shipwreck ruins, coral, local dialect, etc. from local newspapers. There are now reports posted on the first year bulletin board. They will be replaced with new information periodically as the students learn more about Okinawa.

2008-11-26 (水)

Today homeroom 2C led the morning worship service. The speaker spoke on Adam and Eve's being expelled from the garden of Eden and how we still shirk and blame today. After that the class sang Hymn #157 together.

2008-11-25 (火)

Last month second grade high schoolers had their school trip. Students travelougues, scrapbooks, photos, and posters about the trip are on display in the main meeting room. Younger students came to see what the their future school trip might be like.

2008-11-22 (土)

Today the PTA and guidance department had a joint event about career guidance for first and second grade high schoolers. They talked about choosing colleges and fields of study. We want students to think about their future careers now so that they can prepare for them now. We started having events like this three years ago. There were representatives from Iwate Medical University and Akita International University and many businesses also came and gave a short introduction. After the event, students could talk to the representatives. About 250 people came to today's event. Sixteen representatives attended.

2008-11-21 (金)

本校では、毎年、イエス・キリストの誕生を待ち望むアドヴェント (降誕節)に合わせて礼拝堂や校舎にクリスマス・リースやステンドグラス風の飾りを つるしたり、クリスマスカードを教室の入口にはったりします。 今年のアドヴェントは11月30日からでまだ少し早いのですが、期末試験にまだ余裕のある今日、各クラスの宗教委員がクリスマス・リースを作成しました。
Every year at Seiai we look forward to the season of Christ's birth. This is called Advent. We have special worship services and decorate the school with wreaths, Christmas cards, etc. Technically Advent starts next Sunday, but students will be busy with final tests then, so today students made the wreaths for Advent and hung them in the main hallway.

2008-11-20 (木)

Yesterday was the first snow of the school year, and it continued to snow today as well. But it looks like midwinter already. The trees in front of the chapel are already covered in heavy snow.

2008-11-19 (水)

This afternoon junior high parents were invited to visit their students' lessons. There were various lessons to visit in the afternoon, but this is music class. Students have recently been practicing on the hand bells. They played Japanese and English hymns, including "Amazing Grace".

高校2年Bクラスの担当礼拝でした。「明日のことを思い悩むな」という聖書の言葉をもとに、「未来のことをただ心 配するのではなく、今を精一杯生きたい」というお話でした。 その後、クラスで讃美歌II編164番(勝利をのぞみ)を日本語と英語で歌いました。
Today homeroom 2B led chapel. The speaker spoke on worrying about tomorrow. She spoke about how she didn't want to worry about the future (although she does worry about it), she wants to live a full life. After that the class sang "We Shall Overcome" in Japanese and English.

2008-11-18 (火)

Today first and second grade junior highers had a "hands-on music experience" for two hours. First grade students were divided into groups and played hymns on the handbells. Second grade students played simple songs on the guitar and ukilalie. They plan to do this again tomorrow during the parnet's visitation day.

2008-11-17 (月)

Today third grade junior highers are researching in the library for Japanese class. They are looking for materials for a debate about the primary and secondary languages of Japan. Our library has about forty-four thousand books to choose from. Our librarian helped them find information that would be useful for this topic.

2008-11-15 (土)

Today parents of first grade high schoolers had a PTA meeting. It was the second meeting this year. Parents heard from the career counselor. They also saw a video of students during an average day, and had a time for informal questions and answers.

2008-11-14 (金)

茶道部の活動風景です。 現在部員は中学生も含めて6名です。江戸千家の先生が毎週指導してくださいます。
Currently there are six members of the Seiai tea ceremony club - including some junior highers. Every week a trained "Edo Senke" tea ceremony teacher comes to coach the students on their presentation and performance.

2008-11-13 (木)

高校2年英語暗唱大会が行われました。課題文は沖縄戦を通して平和を考えるものでした。4人のネイティブスピーカーをゲストに迎え評価してもらいました。 高校1年生の英語暗唱大会は昨日行われ、課題文は“The Lord's prayer”(主の祈 り)でした。
Today was the English recitation contest for second grade high schoolers. The memorization piece was about the Battle of Okinawa during World War II and "reflections on peace". Three native speakers presided as judges for the contest. Yesterday was the first graders' English recitation contest. They spoke "The Lord's Prayer".

2008-11-12 (水)

高校2年生のクラス担当礼拝が始まりました。今日はAクラスです。 部活動のなかで知った自分の弱さから学んだことを話してくれました。 その後、クラスで讃美歌II編1番“Lift up your hearts!”(こころを高くあげよう)を英語で歌いました。
Today was the first day of chapels lead by second grade homerooms. This morning homeroom 2A led the morning worship service. The speaker talked about discovering her own weaknesses during her time on the tennis team. After the sermon, students sang "Lift Up Your Hearts!" in English (hymn book 2, number 1).
Today was also the first day of the English Recitation Contest. First grade high schoolers competed today.

2008-11-08 (土)

中学校は Music Day でした。青森県出身で国内外に活躍されている村田恵理氏(ピアノ)と竹澤聡子氏(フ ルート)をお迎えしました。素晴らしい音色をすぐそばで聴くことができて感激でした。途中、生徒二人も演奏に参加させていただきました。
Today was "Music Day" for the junior high. Pianist Eri Murata and flute player Satoko Takezawa, both originally from Aomori-ken, performed for students. They have both performed domestically and internationally. They have moving tone and presentation, it was a privilege to see them perform. Two of our own musical junior high students also had a chance to play with these professional musicians.

2008-11-07 (金)

中学校で先月行われたオーストラリア海外語学研修の写真が中央廊下に掲示されています。 ホームステイは最初とても緊張したようですが、写真を見ていると生徒たちの楽 しそうな声が聞こえてきそうです。
Junior high students' photos from last month's Australia trip are on display in the main hallway. At first the homestay program was stressful, but looking at the photos, we can remember the good times they had.

2008-11-06 (木)

It rained today, and the thunder echoed all day, but in the schoolyard, the fall colors are at their peak.

2008-11-05 (水)

Today homeroom 3E led the morning chapel serivce. The speaker spoke on the story of Cain and Abel from Genesis. The student said we do not think of ourselves as murders, but what about what Jesus said in the New Testament? If we hate our brother, then we have commited murder. What should we do when the problem becomes ourself? The class closed by singing Hymn 118 from the second section of the hymnal.

2008-11-04 (火)

Today during first period, students running for student council gave campaign speeches. All six students who are running for positions gave speeches.

2008-11-03 (月)

第二回中学校説明会が行われました。 中高一貫教育の意義と具体的な取り組みを教頭が説明しました。 途中、スライドで学校生活の様子や行事の紹介をしました。 出席者は児童・保護者合計約100名でした。
Today there was an visitation day for parents and students who are interested in Seiai Junior High School. There was a presentation from the vice principal about how junior high curriculum prepares students for high school. During the presentation there were slides of everyday classes, special events, etc. About 100 people attended.

2008-11-01 (土)

Today at the junior high school, students took a standardized kanji test. Students were able to choose between different levels of difficulty so that every student was challenged at their own ability level.

弘前学院聖愛中学高等学校 http://www.seiai.ed.jp/