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SEIAI Journal


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2008-04-01 (火) サンシュユのつぼみ
2008-04-02 (水) 陸上部練習
2008-04-03 (木) 小礼拝堂
2008-04-08 (火) 始業式・入学式
2008-04-09 (水) オリエンテーション
2008-04-10 (木) 身体測定・部活動紹介
2008-04-11 (金) 授業開始
2008-04-13 (日) 入学記念礼拝
2008-04-15 (火) 放送礼拝 音楽と祈り
2008-04-16 (水) 紫木蓮
2008-04-17 (木) PTA総会・中学高校授業参観
2008-04-18 (金) 高校1B1Dクラス生活教室
2008-04-19 (土) 高校1B1Dクラス生活教室2日目
2008-04-20 (日) 入学記念礼拝
2008-04-21 (月) 校内の桜が見頃
2008-04-22 (火) クラス写真の撮影
2008-04-23 (水) 4月の英語礼拝
2008-04-25 (金) 高校1C1Fクラス生活教室
2008-04-26 (土) 高校1C1Fクラス生活教室2日目
2008-04-28 (月) 避難訓練(6)
2008-04-30 (水) 中学二年生体育の授業

2008-04-30 (水)

It was great weather today, so second grade junior high had their PE lesson out in the freshly green grass.

2008-04-28 (月)

Today during sixth period there was a fire drill. After that there was a short fire, earthquake and tsunami safety speech from the principal. The sunlight was warm, but the strong winds made it feel cold outside.

2008-04-26 (土)

30歳の自分は生活教室二日目です。自分の過去をみつめたうえで、2,3年先の自分ではなく、30歳の自分がどうなっていたいかを考えて書き留める作業をしました。各クラス3名ずつそれを発表してもらいました。 入学してからまだ二週間と少しですが、生活教室で、聖愛高校と聖書について学び、お互いを知り合う事ができました。進学や就職の目標も大切ですが、その先の目標も見つけてほしいと思います。
Today is the second day of the retreat for 1C and 1F homerooms. Here the students are having a time of reflection. They were asked to write about 1) Their past: who raised them, who they looked up to, etc. 2) Their future: what kind of person they want to become, what kind of job and family life they want Three students from each homeroom were asked to share their short essay answers with the group. This group of students has only been at Seiai for a couple of weeks, but already they have received a wealth of Biblical knowledge, and their eyes are now set on their future goals as well. We believe that both the Bible and life goals are important. In fact, they work together.

2008-04-25 (金)

Today is the first day of the retreat for students in 1C and 1F homerooms. Tonight there was candle light service, the speaker was Mr. Nick. He spoke on John chapter one saying, "In human hearts, there is darkness, but receive God's light and become a child of God." This service was a different flavor from the daily chapel service at school. The candles created an amazing atmosphere.

2008-04-23 (水)

Here at Seiai we have a chapel service held in English once a month. Every month our American English teacher Nicholas preaches. But the students just call him Nick. Since he teaches all grades in both junior high and high school, all the students know him. Today was the first English service of the year. Nick talked about how if you only do what you want, you are running in the dark, and you only hurt yourself. But if you live by the light Jesus gives us in the Bible, you can live well.

2008-04-22 (火)

With the cherry trees in full bloom, homeroom 3E went out to take a picture for the yearbook. With the cherry blossoms in the background, the photographer has chosen an angle that is sure to please everyone.

2008-04-21 (月)

校内の桜校内の桜が見頃を迎えています。例年より一週間ほど早いようで す。昼休みには桜の下でのんびりする生徒もいました。
Right now is the best time to see the cherry blossoms at Seiai. The cherry blossoms are blooming more than a week early. Some students seized the moment and had their lunches out underneath the cherry trees today.

2008-04-20 (日)

This Sunday students also had an opportunity to attend a local church service at one of the four Nihon Kirisuto Kyodan churches in the area. Seventy students from Seiai attended Hirosaki Church this morning. Our school was founded at Hirosaki Church more than 120 years ago.

2008-04-19 (土)

生活教室二日目生活教室二日目です。「光の子として歩む」という聖書の言葉(エ フェソの信徒への手紙5種8節)をもとに、今までにどのような存在や人が自分 を輝かせてくれたかなど具体的な過去を振り返り、将来どうありたいか考えました。
Today was the second day of the high school first grade students' retreat. The theme was "walk as children of the light" from Ephesians 5:8. Pictured here, students have time to reflect on concrete ways they can become a better person and what they want to do in the future.

2008-04-18 (金)

Starting today, high school first grade students from homerooms 1B and 1D will spend one night and two days at a retreat at Iwaki Shonen Sports Center. At the retreat they will learn about school history and the basics of Christianity. Of course, they will also have plenty of time to get to know each other.

2008-04-17 (木)

Today parents could sit in on lessons at Seiai during morning classes. In the afternoon, formal PTA meetings were held for both the junior and senior highs. Today's meeting marks the start of yet another school year of cooperation between teachers and the PTA.

Pictured here, a group of parents is watching their 1st grade junior high students' English lesson. This is the first time many of the students have studied a foreign language. The lesson is about the alphabet and beginning vocabulary. Using pictures, the blackboards, and even a few songs their teacher, Ms. Hagino, is teaching them the basics of English.

2008-04-16 (水)

It was another warm day today. The magnolia tree is starting to bloom. The blossom is starting to shed it's brown winter clothes in exchange for it's warmer purple ones. Pictured here, it looks more like an animal than a plant.

2008-04-15 (火)

Every Tuesday at Seiai, chapel is broadcast over the intercom. Today's chapel was "music and prayer" with Tamada-sensei. Today's song was "Far Away" by the vocal group Libera. After every broadcast chapel, students have a time for writing reflections and prayers. Today's "music and prayer" song encouraged students that God is present, and He is watching over us.

2008-04-13 (日)

This Sunday and next Sunday, incoming students are required to go to a Nihon Kirisuto Kyodan Church so that they used to going to church outside of school. Students can pick which ever church is nearest their residence. For many students, this is the first time for them to attend church. Pictured here is Minami church. As always, please continue to pray for both our school and the neighborhood churches.

2008-04-11 (金)

Classes started today. The windows in the entryway are covered with posters encouraging students to join clubs.

2008-04-10 (木)

Today the student physicals began. This morning all students were measured for height and weight. Students also had hearing exams and eye exams.

In the afternoon upperclassmen gave presentations about their club to incoming first grade students. Pictured here, the science club is giving a presentation on astronomy and taking pictures with the school telescope in the astronomy dome. Later on, they also gave an entertaining presentation on practical uses of air pressure. Of course the sports clubs - cheerleading, badminton, volleyball, tennis, karate, Japanese archery, etc. also gave presentations.

2008-04-09 (水)

Today was "School Orientation". Students learned or were reminded of how life at Seiai works. Pictured here, students are being told about the Christian aspect of life at Seiai: Seiai's history with the Japanese Church, proper chapel manners, etc. For many students, this is their first introduction to Christianity.

2008-04-08 (火)

Today was the entrance ceremony for both junior high and high school students. There were 34 incoming students in first grade junior high, and 197 incoming students in first grade high school. The principal spoke from Matthew 7:7, "Ask and it will be given, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened."

教室の中学生全てのプログラムを終えた中学生が、たくさんの配布物をカバンに しまったり、担任教師に質問をしたり、新しい友達と話をしています。また、聖 愛出身の保護者と新入生、保護者の昔を知る教師が話をしている光景も見られま した。今年の中学校は34名が入学しました。
After the ceremony was finished, junior high students went back to their room and got settled, asked their homeroom teacher questions, talked with their new friends, etc. Although this time is new and exciting for students, this is an old story for the homeroom teacher, and she is experienced in how to guide her students through these next few years.

2008-04-03 (木)

小礼拝堂中学校は開校3年目を迎え、 今年は全学年がそろいます。それに合わせて中学校の礼拝で使用する小礼拝堂も 100名が座れるように椅子を増やしました。2年前はうしろ半分は何もなかったのですが、 今は椅子が壁際まで置かれています。古い木の椅子ですがどれも歴史があります。前の方の 濃い色のものは、東京の日本基督教団霊南坂教会から約20年前の改築の時に いただいたものです。
This year the new junior high is complete. The first Seiai junior high students have become third grade students so all three grades are now full. So now when the junior high students use the "little chapel" for special junior high chapels, they will need 100 seats. Previously there was extra space in the back of the room, but now the pews go all the way to the back of the room. The room is new, but the pews have a great history. They were sent to Seiai from the Nihon Kristo Kyodan Church in Tokyo twenty years ago when the little chapel was being remodeled.

2008-04-02 (水)

陸上部練習今日の弘前は、昨日の強風が 嘘のようなとても暖かい日でした。陸 上部がグランドで短距離・中距離、円盤投、やり投げの練習をしていました。部 員は新高2・3年合わせて7名、「まずは北日本陸上大会での入賞を目指し頑張 りたい」と言っていました。
It's warm in Hirosaki today. There isn't a trace of yesterday's cold winds. The track team practiced disc and javelin throwing. "My goal is to place at the upcoming Northern Japan Track Meet," said one team member.

2008-04-01 (火)

Today marks the beginning of the new school year in Japan. Today the weather has been cold and windy, but still, the trees are beginning to bud.

弘前学院聖愛中学高等学校 http://www.seiai.ed.jp/