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SEIAI Journal


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2008-05-01 (木) 憲法について考える日礼拝
2008-05-02 (金) ヒヨドリ
2008-05-04 (日) ドウダンツツジ
2008-05-07 (水) 中学校の美術の授業
2008-05-08 (木) 生徒総会
2008-05-09 (金) 中学校ソフトテニス部
2008-05-10 (土) 春季高校野球 地区予選/中学試験対策講座
2008-05-12 (月) 文化の集い企画説明会
2008-05-13 (火) 中学校3年、語学研修説明会
2008-05-14 (水) 高校中間試験1日目
2008-05-15 (木) 高校中間試験2日目
2008-05-16 (金) 高校中間試験3日目/中学中間試験
2008-05-17 (土) 中学校進路・海外語学研修説明会
2008-05-18 (日) 梅の実
2008-05-19 (月) 中国からの留学生訪問/中学3年もの作り講座
2008-05-20 (火) 松の木の花
2008-05-21 (水) 教育実習始まる
2008-05-22 (木) 中学2年生が調理実習
2008-05-23 (金) 高校1年A,Eクラス生活教室
2008-05-24 (土) 高校1年A,Eクラス生活教室2日目
2008-05-26 (月) 突然の強風と雨
2008-05-27 (火) 放送礼拝「出会い」/中学海外語学研修準備
2008-05-28 (水) 中学校写生会
2008-05-29 (木) 中学英語礼拝
2008-05-30 (金) 中学1年サイエンススクール

2008-05-30 (金)

Today first grade junior high students went to nearby Shirakamisanchi for "Science School" for a hands-on biology experience. They observed all kinds of plants and living things. Later they enjoyed "tree climbing" with the help of park staff. By using ropes and climbing harnesses students could see the tops of trees themselves. Even the girls enjoyed this experience.

2008-05-29 (木)

中学英語礼拝中学は英語礼拝で、ニック先生のお話でした。「マシュマロを焼く と皮は焦げるが、その皮を取り除くと、中は驚くほどおいしい。誰もが持つ罪と いう皮を神に取り除いてもらうならば、私たちは驚くべき人間に変えられる」と いうお話でした。今月より英語礼拝の日は讃美歌も英語で歌います。今日は “Amazing Grace”(アメイジング・グレイス)。英語の発音やタイミングのとり かたが難しかったようですが、元気に歌いました。
Today Mr. Nick spoke in junior high chapel. He told a story about scorching marshmallows at a campfire. "If you remove the black burnt skin, the inside is delicious," Nick said. He related the campfire marshmallows to our sin, and told how God can take our sin away, just like taking the burnt crust off a marshmallow. Also, staring this month, we will sing the hymn in English for every English chapel service. Today's hymn was "Amazing Grace". It was difficult for the students, but they sang energetically.

2008-05-28 (水)

Thanks to the good weather, junior high students went out to sketch natural still life scenes. First and second grade students visited the botanical gardens in Hirosaki Park, while 3rd grade students visited the grounds of a local Buddhist temple. At both places students found plenty of interesting things to draw. Pictured here, students are drawing a "shishidoshi". When the water fills the bamboo tube, and the tube hits the rock, it makes a distinct noise.

2008-05-27 (火)

Today 3rd grade junior high students who will be going to Australia in October watched a detailed video preview to prepare for going to Australia.

Today's broadcast chapel service was an inspiring story about a tennis coach, Mr. Takeshi Koura, and how his leadership guided the school's tennis team to victory.

2008-05-26 (月)

The morning had been quite peaceful, but at about 10:30 this morning there was a sudden rain storm. However it was finished by lunch time and students were able to return home after school unhindered.

2008-05-24 (土)

Today during the second day of the retreat students reflected on their past, present and future goals and how they can achieve their dreams. Pictured here, the retreat finished with a closing worship ceremony. On Monday the students will go back to school.

2008-05-23 (金)

Today is the first day of the retreat for the last batch of incoming first grade students. This afternoon they player mixer games and got to know each other better.

2008-05-22 (木)

試食中学2年生が調理実習を行いました。「とん汁の具を入れる順番を 間違えてしまった。皆で作れて楽しかった」(男子)そうです。招待された担任 教師がおいしそうに食べてました。
Today 2nd grade junior high students had a "cooking lab". Everyone, including the boys, had fun. Homeroom teachers were also invited to join the meal after the food had been prepared. Doesn't it look good?

2008-05-21 (水)

Student teachers started their observations on Monday. This year 8 student teachers came to Seiai. When one day is finished, the next day's preparations begin. Now they are learning what it is really like to be a teacher!

2008-05-20 (火)

The pine tree near the front gate is blooming too.

2008-05-19 (月)

イスに取り組む中学3年生では二日間にわたる“もの作り講座”が始まりました。大 鰐の家具製作木工所でイスに取り組んでいます。イスの機能や歴史についてのお 話もありました。「すぐできると思ったが、なかなかうまくいかない。作るには 時間がかかることを知った」と生徒が言ってました。
Today third grade junior high students started two days of "hands-on" learning today at a woodworking shop in Owani. Students made pieces of chairs and assembled them. They also learned about the function and history of the chair (chairs for everyday use are relatively new in Asian history). "I thought it would be easy, but I couldn't do as well as I had hoped," said one student.

Today two Chinese students visited our school. Over the weekend they stayed with host families, and then came to school with their host siblings. Their visit was to promote intercultural exchange and better Chinese / Japanese relations. In the morning the students attended regular classes. In the afternoon they participated in English classes, and after school they experienced Japanese culture by participating in Japanese flower arrangement and tea ceremony. They also watched the Japanese archery team practice. It was only one day, but it was a very valuable experience for everyone.

2008-05-18 (日)

The Japanese Plum trees are starting to bare fruit.

2008-05-17 (土)

Today third year junior high students who will be going to Australia in October and their parents had a training meeting. Here they are watching a video of sample arrangements, travel plans, host family stays etc.

The flowers on this chestnut plant are blooming. They kind of look like bamboo sprouts.

2008-05-16 (金)

Today the junior high also has midterm tests. They will have tests in the five basic subjects today. Pictured here, students take some time to rest in between tests.

Today is the third day of high school midterm tests. The azaleas are looking fresh.

2008-05-15 (木)

Today is the second day of midterm tests. It's a cold day today, but the students are still doing their best. Today the wisterias are also blooming beautifully.

2008-05-14 (水)

Today was the first day of midterm tests for high school students. Junior high midterms start on Friday, and junior high school students have regular classes until then. Today the maple tree flowers are also starting to blossom.

2008-05-13 (火)

説明会中学3年生は10月に語学研修でオーストラリアへ行きます。6泊 7日のうち3日はホストファミリーの家に宿泊します。今日は第一回説明会が行 われ、近畿日本ツーリストの大川・青森支店長が研修行程とオーストラリアにつ いて説明してくださいました。
Today was the first in a series of explanatory meetings for third grade junior high students who will be going to Australia this October. They will stay in Australia for six nights and seven days. Three of those days will spent with a host family. Mr. Ookawa from the Aomori branch of KNT travel agency came to give the briefing.

2008-05-12 (月)

This year's school festival will be from July 19th to the 21st. Today during the lunch hour, there was a planning meeting for the school festival. Representatives from homerooms and clubs submitted their ideas for both booths and acts in the "stage show".

2008-05-10 (土)

対浪岡高校戦三季ぶりの県大会出場を目指し浪岡高校と対戦しました。 序盤、リードしましたが、中盤に集中打を浴び逆転されました。 聖愛も8回、9回と粘りを見せましたが、力及ばず、 10対11で敗れました。 明日(11日)は第3代表をかけて、弘前高校と対戦です。
In their third appearance at the Aomori baseball championships, the baseball team is playing Namioka High today. Seiai took an early lead, but they lost their concentration in the 8th and 9th innings, losing 10 to 11. Tomorrow they will play Hirosaki High for the wild card slot.

In preparation for next week's midterm tests, junior high students had extra preparatory lessons. In spite of the extra work, the instructor used many gestures and visualizations and the students responded with vigor.

2008-05-09 (金)

This year there are only three junior high school students in soft tennis. Without a fourth player, they are almost always practicing one on one. But these hard practices are helping them build endurance.

2008-05-08 (木)

Today there was a student council assembly in the gym during 5th and 6th periods. New council members were elected. Other business like the budget for the year was also approved.

2008-05-07 (水)

Today junior high students had their sketching lesson outside. There were strong winds last night, but this afternoon the winds are calm - perfect for sketching.

2008-05-04 (日)

This afternoon there are no remedial lessons. This allows these flowers to have a quiet afternoon and work on their elegant blossoms.

2008-05-02 (金)

The holiday called "Golden Week" starts tomorrow. The Brown-eared Bulbul has also returned again this year. It probably came to feed on the flower beside it.

2008-05-01 (木)

憲法について考える日礼拝本校では憲法記念日の前後の礼拝を“憲法について考える日礼拝”と しています。聖書の言葉と共に、日本国憲法を身近に感じ、考えるための礼拝で す。60年以上前に公布・施行された憲法がどのようなもので、私たちの生活と どう関係するか考えて欲しいと願っています。
Since this coming Saturday is Constitution Memorial Day this morning's chapel sermon was called "Thinking about the Constitution". The sermon encouraged students to think about the Constitution in the light of biblical truths and also to think about how the constitution is related to their everyday lives. The Japanese Constitution (in its current form) was written about 60 years ago.

弘前学院聖愛中学高等学校 http://www.seiai.ed.jp/