


SEIAI Journal


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2008-02-01 (金) まりや食堂に送るお米
2008-02-07 (木) 高校2年生が調理実習
2008-02-08 (金) 春高バレーにむけ練習
2008-02-09 (土) 数学検定対策講座
2008-02-10 (日) 野球選手のための栄養講座
2008-02-11 (月) 建国記念日/信教の自由を守る日
2008-02-12 (火) 入試準備(1校時のみ授業)高校入試にむけて除雪
2008-02-13 (水) 高校一般入学試験(一次)
2008-02-14 (木) 入試採点日(生徒休み)
2008-02-16 (土) 中学校一般入学検定試験(第2回)
2008-02-20 (水) 高校・中学合格発表
2008-02-21 (木) 中学校ハンドベル講座
2008-02-22 (金) 中学校授業参観・学級懇談
2008-02-23 (土) 中学校入学者説明会2/期末試験対策講座
2008-02-25 (月) 高校3年生消費者講座
2008-02-26 (火) 卒業式の合唱練習/中学校進路ガイダンス
2008-02-27 (水) 雪景色
2008-02-28 (木) 卒業礼拝
2008-02-29 (金) 卒業式総練習/バレー部、弓道部壮行式

2008-02-29 (金)

Today was practice for tomorrow's graduation ceremony. All students (including junior high students) were a part of the rehearsal because they will attend the ceremony tomorrow. After practice, graduating students with perfect attendance received awards. The volleyball and Japanese archery clubs were also recognized for their achievements at their recent national tournaments.

2008-02-28 (木)

卒業礼拝風景高校3年生は1日の卒業式を前に教職員、校友の方々と共に卒業礼拝を行いました。 献金を捧げる際に、「聖愛で初めて献金をし、ジュース1本分で 救える命があることを知った」というお祈りがありました。 神様のふところにいだかれて育った生徒たちが大きく見えました。
Today was a special "Graduation Chapel" service. All classes participated in an offering for area churches. Our chaplain inspired students to look up to "the fullness of God" as they leave Seiai and enter the real world.

2008-02-27 (水)

The past few days have dumped a lot of heavy snow here. It's made snow shoveling very difficult, but when there are clear skies, the snow is beautiful. Third grade high school students are practicing for graduation today as well.

2008-02-26 (火)

Today all the third grade high school students practiced for their graduation in the chapel. Students playing a flute and clarinet piece also had a "dress rehearsal" at this time.

Junior high students had a "career guidance" meeting today. Upcoming high school courses were also explained in detail during the meeting.

2008-02-25 (月)

消費者講座高校3年生は3学期期末テスト終了以降自宅待機期間でしたが、今日から出校です。卒業式の合唱練習の後、消費者 講座が行われました。高校を卒業後、悪徳商法やキャッチセールスなどの被害に あわないために注意することを、青森県消費生活センターの職員の方に来ていただいた勉強しました。
Today third grade high schoolers came back to school for graduation practice. After that, an employee of the prefectural government came to warn students about business dealings and contracts and tell them how to avoid them.

2008-02-23 (土)

As the junior high final tests approach, students are beginning to apply themselves in preparation. (College prep students usually have a half-day of classes on Saturdays.) Today, there was also an explanatory meeting for students from the second round of entrance exams who will be attending Seiai Junior High.

2008-02-22 (金)

Today was a visitation day for junior high parents. Parents were welcome to visit the afternoon classes. In music class students played the handbells. There was also an informative "Question and Answer" time for parents during seventh period.

2008-02-21 (木)

Today junior high students had a hands-on music lesson. Each grade practiced for two periods today. They played "Amazing Grace" as well as some other hymns. Tomorrow will be their performance. "The bells are harder than I thought," said one student. "The timing is difficult," said another. "Now I really understand why team work is important," said commented another student. But still, watching them practice, it looks like they are enjoying making music.

2008-02-20 (水)

This morning the results of the second round of the junior high entrance exam was posted. The results of the first round of the high school entrance exam was also posted.

2008-02-14 (木)

Today teachers spent the day grading entrance tests and entering the results into the school's database. The test and data entries were double checked by at least two teachers to make sure they were correct.

2008-02-13 (水)

Despite a snow storm and raging winds today, the entrance exam was held as planned today.

2008-02-12 (火)

Last night's snow was fairly heavy. Today the snow plow came to make the parking lot especially trim and accessible for the guests arriving for tomorrow's entrance exam.

2008-02-10 (日)

おいしく試食野球部後援会主催で「野球選手のための栄養講座」を中高合同で開催しました。 今回は体を鍛える冬場の食事と栄養理論を勉強しました。下は来年度 入学してくる小学生の親から上は高校2年生の親まで、総勢17名が集まりました。 講師は後援会会長の奥さんで栄養士でもある植山さんです。 勉強の後はおいしく試食させてもらいました。
Today parents from the baseball booster club had a meeting about nutrition. They studied theory and application of winter nutrition for athletes. Seventeen parents attended. The lecturer was a nutritionist - the wife of the president of the booster club. After the meeting, parents sampled some of the delicious nutritional options they had been discussing.

2008-02-09 (土)

Today junior high students took a practice test for the national standardized math test. Ranging from levels 3 to 5, students took the level best fitting for their grade and ability.

2008-02-08 (金)

A few days ago, the volleyball girls beat "Haru High" in the Aomori-ken championships. In late March, the team will go to the national championships. Of course, their goal is victory there as well so they are practicing even harder from now on. Outside the gym, it's freezing. But inside the gym, Seiai Volleyball is burning hot!

2008-02-07 (木)

高校2年生が調理実習を行いました。今回は限られた予算でメニューを考え、材料を購入し、調理ました。 “豆乳なべ”や“オムライスとホットケーキタワー”など、とてもおいしそうでした。
Today second year students had hands-on cooking practice. Students had to think about planning a menu around a restricted budget. They purchased the ingredients (and of course did the cooking) themselves. There were meals ranging from "omelets and rice" to "pancake towers". It all looked delicious.

2008-02-01 (金)

集まったお米 まりや食堂に送るお米が今日までに約180キロ(1200合)集まりま した。まりや食堂は東京台東区にあります。 日雇い労働者の方々に栄養のある弁当を格安で提供している食堂です。 日本キリスト教団山谷兄弟の家伝道所が中心になって運営していることから 生徒の家庭に1合ずつ持ち寄ることをお願いして15年目になりました。 いろいろな境遇にある人のことを覚えて少しでもお役にたてたらと思います。
Yesterday was the deadline for bringing rice to donate to the charity, "Mariya Cafeteria" in Tokyo. In total students donated about 180 kg of rice. Mariya Cafeteria sells lunches to those less fortunate at a very reasonable price. This ministry is particularly focused at homeless people who work odd jobs. Their efforts are based out of a local church in Tokyo. The small donations at Seiai turned into a sizable offering for Mariya Cafeteria.

弘前学院聖愛中学高等学校 http://www.seiai.ed.jp/