


SEIAI Journal


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2008-01-07 (月) 中学で書き初め
2008-01-08 (火) 中学2年スキー教室
2008-01-09 (水) 中学1年スキー教室
2008-01-10 (木) 再び一面銀世界
2008-01-12 (土) 中学校入学者説明会
2008-01-15 (火) 始業式
2008-01-16 (水) SPG、アップルウェーブから取材
2008-01-17 (木) 中学校書写課題の展示/ヒヨドリ
2008-01-18 (金) センター試験受験者激励
2008-01-19 (土) センター試験一日目
2008-01-21 (月) 授業1~3、高校推薦入試
2008-01-22 (火) 高校3年生家庭科
2008-01-23 (水) 高校推薦入試合格発表/2Eクラス担当礼拝
2008-01-24 (木) 中学校英語礼拝
2008-01-25 (金) 高校授業の最終日
2008-01-28 (月) 高校3年期末試験1/演劇部練習風景
2008-01-29 (火) 高校3年期末試験2/高校1年スキー教室/中学1年進路ガイダンス
2008-01-30 (水) 高校3年期末試験3/高校2年スキー教室/中学
2008-01-31 (木) 中学校テーブルマナー講座/高校2年生対象「就職支援ガイダンス」

2008-01-31 (木)

コンピューターによる適性診断ジョブカフェあおもり主催、高校2年生対象「就職支援ガイダンス」が、弘前パークホテルで行われました。1時間の職業講話のあと、ミニセミナーとコンピューターによる適性診断を行いました。聖愛高校からの参加者は49名、他校の生徒と共に自分の将来に向 け真剣に聞き入っていました。
Today second grade high schoolers went to a "Job Cafe", for employment support and guidance, at the Park Hotel. At one o' clock there was an occupational lecture followed by mini-seminars and aptitude tests . Pictured here, the students are taking aptitude tests on computers. Forty-nine students from Seiai participated. Students are seriously considering their future after high school.

Today during fourth, fifth and sixth periods, junior high students went to the restaurant "Akita Sun Palace" for a practical lesson in Western table manners. There was more silverware on the table than there usually is, and the first grade students were a bit puzzled. However, the second year students had even better manners than last year, and thoroughly enjoyed their esthetically pleasing meal.

2008-01-30 (水)

高校2年生のスキー教室高校2年生のスキー教室が大鰐町のあじゃら高原スキー場で行われました。雪がちらつきはしたものの、ほぼ無風のスキー日和に恵ま れました。およそ140名が級別の計12班に分かれ、インストラクター・先生方の指導の下、楽しく滑っていました。
Today second grade high school students had their ski lesson at the local ski resort in Owani. They were blessed by good weather with practically no wind. The 140 students were split into groups, each supervised by a ski instructor. It was a lot of fun.

ガスバーナーに火中学1年理科では化学の実験が行われました。教科書を見たり、グ ループの仲間と確認し、緊張しながらガスバーナーに火をつけました。
Pictured here, first grade junior high school students have an introductory chemistry experiment as part of their general science class. Each group meticulously checked and double checked their textbooks, instructions, asked the teacher questions, etc. Especially when dealing with the gas burner.

2008-01-29 (火)

The weather for the first grade high school ski lesson (in nearby Owani) was rather warm, but there was still plenty of snow for everyone. After the morning ski runs, students had a break for lunch. Pictured here is one group eating their lunch.

進路ガイダンス“進路ガイダンス”が中学1年で行われました。中高一貫6年を充実させて夢を実現するには? 高校卒業後を意識して今できることは何か、との話が進路指導部主任よりありました。将来のことを考えさせられながら、とても楽しいお話だったようです。
Today the career counselor talked to first grade junior high students about their next six years at Seiai and how they could start implementing their dreams now. "If you start planning now, you can do anything by the time you graduate high school," he said.

2008-01-28 (月)

The Drama Club practiced until late tonight. They are practicing for their upcoming performance at Joppal shopping center this Saturday (on the fourth floor at 4pm). The Drama Club will also have another performance on March 16 at Nakasan Department Store. "This week's show has a lot of impact. Be sure to come!" said one student. The Drama Club is also accepting applications, especially for male members.

2008-01-25 (金)

Next week third year students will start taking their final tests. This is their last day of normal classes. Pictured here is homeroom 3C's last Bible class. They are really enjoying this last lesson.

2008-01-24 (木)

Today was a special junior high English chapel, led by Mr. Nick. Nick is this school's missionary English teacher. Today's sermon was about Martin Luther King Jr, freeing slaves, and how Christ sets up free. To illustrate this difficult topic, he used many gestures. Mr. Nick is also in charge of all junior and senior high English Conversation classes.

2008-01-23 (水)

Today was the last chapel led by a homeroom. Worship was led by class 2E. "During the class trip to Italy, we saw the ornate paintings on the ceilings of Italian churches. They had the power to inspire people to look up to heaven, and I think people want to look up to God - especially in times of difficulty," said the student speaker. After that the entore class sang a hymn with accompanied by the piano, flute and euphonium.

2008-01-22 (火)

おもてなしの練習高校3年生家庭科で“おもてなしの練習”が行われました。招待状の 書き方・もらった時の出し方に始まり、5人一グループでお菓子のいただき方、 上座・下座の位置関係などを学びました。「初めての経験で、お茶の入れ方や案 内する方法など、おもてなしの難しさを知った」(女子生徒)ようです。
This week third year students had a home economics lesson on practicing hospitality. Preparations included writing a proper invitation. Students sat in groups of five, complete with a head seat for the host and assigned seats for the guests. "This was my first time doing all the preparation, planning, etc. myself. I never realized how difficult well-done hospitality is," said one female student.

2008-01-21 (月)

This afternoon there were interview entrance exams for students interested in coming to Seiai next year. This photo is of a sparrow (I think) pecking at a maple seed on the school grounds.

2008-01-19 (土)

弘前大学でセンター試験一日目です。約50名の生徒が試験に挑みます。 会場の弘前大学で受験生を激励しました。緊張の面もちの生徒も 教師の顔を見つけると、自然と笑顔になります。
Today was the first day for the "Center Test". Fifty students took the test at Hirosaki University.

Today junior high students practiced for the standardized English "STEP" test. Students registered individually between difficulty levels 2-5 of the test. In the afternoon they took a practice standardized Japanese test. Our students are hard at work.

2008-01-18 (金)

校長から激励をうける生徒たちセンター試験を明日に控え、受験生は午前中で授業を終えました。校長、教頭 激励の後、進路指導部主任より諸注意がありました。このあと、受験生は会場の 下見に行きました。
With the "Center Test" coming up tomorrow, students took a practice test after school today. After that the principal, vice-principal and career counselor gave students some advice, and encouraged them to do their best tomorrow.

2008-01-17 (木)

The past few days have been cold, but today is bright and lively. Sometimes you can hear a faint chirping. I think it's probably this brown-eared bulbul.

書写展示中学1・2年“書写”の冬休みの課題が中央廊下に展示されました。 テーマは「四字熟語」。通りがかった中高生が早速足を止め、じっと見ていまし た。「非常に綺麗に書けている。この調子で授業ノートもより綺麗に書いて欲し い」とは担当教諭のコメントです。
The junior high students' winter vacation handwriting projects are on display in the main hallway. The theme was a four "word" saying. Both junior high and high school students stop to admire the papers as they pass by. "We want these to be even more cleanly written then regular daily work," commented the Language Arts teacher.

2008-01-16 (水)

The local radio station "Apple Wave FM" broadcast from a special interview with the Seiai cheerleading squad during their regular practice today. The program, "School Navi", aired at 5:35pm today. The whole city got to hear the bright voices of our cheerleaders.

2008-01-15 (火)

Today school started again for all grades, so there was an opening ceremony this morning. After that, there was a junior high meeting in the small chapel conducted by the junior high principal. He explained how the goal of junior high curriculum is to line up with high school curriculum and how this is beneficial for students. Then the vice principal encouraged students to set individual goals for their own lives.

2008-01-12 (土)

入学者説明会中学校の入学者説明会(第1回)が行われました。入学予定の生徒と保護者は説明会前後には書類を提出したりジャージや内履きの購入など慌た だしい時を送りましたが、楽しそうでした。
Today there was an explanatory meeting for parents of students who will be entering junior high this spring. After the meeting parents and children finalized paperwork, tried on and bought school uniforms, etc. The was hectic but enjoyable.

2008-01-10 (木)

This morning we woke up to a surprisingly snowy day after a yesterday's heavy snow fall. The fresh snow makes all the features of campus - even the trees - stand out.

2008-01-09 (水)

Today was the ski lesson for first grade junior high students. Unfortunately there was a bit of a snow storm so students couldn't take the gondola up to the peak. However, they did receive some useful hints from ski instructors instead.

2008-01-08 (火)

中学2年スキー教室中学2年のスキー教室が行われました。全体を5グループに分け、それぞれのコースを滑りました。 午前中は特に天気も良く、みんな頑張りました。
Today second grade junior high students had their ski lesson. Students divided into groups of five to go skiing. The weather was good, and everyone enjoyed getting out in the outdoors.

2008-01-07 (月)

Today the calligraphy club did "Kakizome". "Kakizome" is a tradition of doing your best at the start of the new year. First year students practiced writing the phrase "Developing new ideas by studying the past" while second year students practiced the phrase "Fresh snow for heaven and earth".

弘前学院聖愛中学高等学校 http://www.seiai.ed.jp/