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SEIAI Journal


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2009-04-01 (水) 時間割作成作業
2009-04-02 (木) 時間割作成作業いまだ
2009-04-03 (金) 時間割作成作業大詰め
2009-04-04 (土) メタセコイアの雄花
2009-04-05 (日) トチノキの芽
2009-04-06 (月) ミチタネツケバナ
2009-04-08 (水) 始業式・入学式
2009-04-09 (木) オリエンテーション
2009-04-10 (金) 身体測定
2009-04-11 (土) キジ
2009-04-12 (日) コブシの花
2009-04-13 (月) 新入生歓迎会と部活動紹介
2009-04-14 (火) 中学校国語表現の時間
2009-04-16 (木) 避難訓練
2009-04-17 (金) 高校1年生活教室1
2009-04-18 (土) 高校1年生活教室2
2009-04-19 (日) 入学記念礼拝
2009-04-20 (月) 木蓮の花
2009-04-21 (火) 中学1年生活教室1
2009-04-22 (水) 中学1年生活教室2
2009-04-23 (木) 英語礼拝
2009-04-24 (金) 高校1年生活教室1/美術の授業
2009-04-25 (土) 高校1年生活教室2
2009-04-27 (月) 椿の花
2009-04-28 (火) 授業参観・PTA総会
2009-04-30 (木) 紫木蓮

2009-04-30 (木)

The magnolia tree is more beautiful than usual this year. It has many blossoms while the sakura tress are looking rather thin this year.

2009-04-28 (火)

Before the PTA meeting, parents were encouraged to come and view lessons during second and third hours this morning. Pictured here, is first grade high school Bible lesson.

2009-04-27 (月)

Near the student entrance some Camellia flowers are blooming. The flowers on the south side of the plant have already fallen, but there are still many flowers on the shady side. I think this plant is blooming more than usual this year.

2009-04-25 (土)

生活教室二日目です。 まとめのプログラムでは、高校時代に自分はどうありたいかを、クラス毎に分かれ、一人ずつ発表しました。
Today for the final day of the retreat, students announced how they planned to live from now on.

2009-04-24 (金)

Today the retreat for homerooms 1A and 1D started. After the opening worship service, students introduced themselves and got to know each other. In the afternoon students went out to do volunteer service cleaning wheelchairs at some care facilities. Students learned that you have to put considerable effort into cleaning just one wheelchair. This was a valuable experience.

Every year at the this time the art classes go outside. Here, the teacher is giving students instructions to go out on the school grounds, "find something that charms your heart" and sketch it.

2009-04-23 (木)

本校では月一回、英語礼拝が行われます。ニコラス・ボイス先生が司会からお話まで全部英語でやります。このごろはちょっと日本語も混ざります。アイオワ州出身の若くて気さくな先生で、生徒からは“ニック先生”と呼ばれ、とても人気があります。今日のお話は、イースターにちなんで「生命を与えてくれる神様」というものでした。讃美歌は“Jesus Loves Me! This I know”(主われをあいす)を英語で歌いました。
This morning was the monthly English chapel led by Mr. Nick. The candid and young teacher from Iowa is quite popular at school. Today he spoke about Easter and how God gives us new life. The hymn "Jesus Loves Me" was sung entirely in English.

2009-04-22 (水)

Today is the second day of the junior high retreat. Pictured here students are writing reflection papers about the retreat and school in general. After this they will share them with the class. Students also took time to get to know each other and play some mixer games.

2009-04-21 (火)

Today was the first day of the junior high retreat. As always, it's being held at Iwaki Shonen Sports Center. The students departed in the morning and went to do some volunteer service at a home for the disabled. The did some recreation activities together, including "balloon volleyball". This experience of service was very important for the students' development as well.

2009-04-20 (月)

Taken from the third year teachers' office, this photo shows the two magnolia trees in the front drive blooming. Now is about the best time to view their blossoms.

2009-04-19 (日)

This morning about one hundred students attended the service at Hirosaki Church. Seiai started in this church in 1886. To this day, the members of this church continue to pray for our school. Incoming first grade students from Seiai High School and Junior High are required to attend a church either this week or next week. Students can choose a church near their home from one of the four Nihon Kirisuto Kyodan churches in town.

2009-04-18 (土)

まとめのプログラムでは、自分の過去・現在・未来を見つめ、今後の自分の目標を考えました。 また、制限時間内に一人でも多くの人と挨拶・握手をして、相手の名前を紙に 書いていく、というゲームも行いました(写真)。 この後、閉会礼拝をもって、CEクラスの生活教室は終わりました。
Today's program at the retreat was thinking about your in the past, present and future. Students also played many mixers and other games to get to know each other. Then the retreat finished with a final worship service.

2009-04-17 (金)

毎年行われる新入生対象の生活教室がはじまりました。今日は高校1年C,Eクラスの一日目でした。開会礼拝後、クラスごとに分かれ、事前に書いた自分についての作文を発表しました。また、近隣施設を訪問し、普段では学べないことを学ぶ機会となりました。写真は夜のキャンドルサービスです。ヨハネの手紙1 4章より、「聖書の示す天国は、今、ここにいるみなさんの中にある。神様の前で、本当の兄弟として仕えあう価値観を大切にしたい」というお話でした。
The annual retreat for new high school students started this weekend with a retreat for homerooms 1C and 1E. Pictured here, the students have a candle light service. The sermon was about how we are all brothers and sisters in Christ from 1 John chapter 4.

2009-04-16 (木)

Today during 6th period there was a fire drill. Students exited the building and gathered at the designated meeting point. The head count for each class was checked and double checked. The fire chief was present and recommended a meeting place further away from the building so that fire trucks could begin to work more quickly. Years ago the meeting place was changed from a grassier place because that place because that place is muddy in the spring and covered with heavy snow in the winter.

2009-04-14 (火)

Today junior high class 3-2 went outside to be inspired and write some contemporary spring haiku poems in the regular "five, seven, five" pattern. First they brainstormed lists of words that describe spring. This year they plan to make a collection of all the students' poems.

2009-04-13 (月)

Today during fifth and sixth period, there was an assembly for the new Seiai students. Each club gave an introduction and short presentation encouraging new students to join their club. Pictured here is SPG - the Seiai cheerleading team. After school, students rushed to check event times and join a club. All in all, 35 clubs presented today.

2009-04-12 (日)

Just inside the school gate on the left side, some magnolias are freshly blooming. They started to bloom yesterday!

2009-04-11 (土)

Today on campus, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, and a pheasant has graced us with his presence.

2009-04-10 (金)

Today students had their annual health check ups. Homerooms came one by one to the nurse's office. In the afternoon, students from first grade junior high as well as first and third grade high school students took a basic ability tests from the prefectural government.

2009-04-09 (木)

Today was an orientation day for the beginning of the school year. Pictured here is the religion department orientation. Each grade of students came into the chapel, one at a time, to receive a breifing about how Christianity is related to our school, and how to act in daily chapel. Students are also spending a lot of time in their homerooms, doing introductions, choosing helpers for various boards and departments, taking ID card pictures, etc. They are getting to know the school, their homeroom teacher, and their classmates.

2009-04-08 (水)

Today was the entrance ceremony for new first graders in either junior high or high school. Seiai decreased tuition slightly this year, and enrollment increased slightly this year. These are hard times for everyone in Japan too. Because of the slow economy, and cheaper tuition at the public schools, more families are choosing public schools. Add to this the effect of declining birth rates on enrollment, and the times are getting especially hard for private schools.

2009-04-06 (月)

In front of the front entrance in the traffic circle there are many new little flowers blooming. At first we thought we had found a new kind of flower! But then after some researching we realized we just didn't know the name.

2009-04-05 (日)

This is a sticky chestnut sprout. It still hasn't fully expanded yet. Stuck to it is a needle from the neighboring pine tree!

2009-04-04 (土)

These are the buds of the dawn redwood out front. The branches are weighted down by many buds in preparation for spring.

2009-04-03 (金)

Tonight school affairs is still working on the class schedule. The red areas on the screen are areas where the schedule still has problems. This is all in preparation for the beginning of the school year. Saturday should be a day off, but they might end up working tomorrow as well.

2009-04-02 (木)

Again tonight, school affairs is working on the class schedule. During the day there many distractions: phone calls, other teachers needing help or turning in paperwork, etc. The evening is the only time of day they have time to focus. By the way, the face mask is just to prevent getting sick. You defiantly don't want to do this job when you have a cold.

2009-04-01 (水)

The department of school affairs has been working tirelessly into the night on the new class schedule for the junior high and high school. With all the additional elective classes that are offered, and the new "advanced high school" course continuing on from the junior high, constructing the schedule this year is especially complicated. Creating the right balance of work for both students and teachers is the major goal they're working on.

弘前学院聖愛中学高等学校 http://www.seiai.ed.jp/