

| もくじ | 月選択 |

SEIAI Journal


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2008-06-02 (月) 教育実習授業風景/中学校「文化の集い」の準備開始
2008-06-03 (火) ソフトボール部の練習
2008-06-04 (水) バレーボール部の練習
2008-06-05 (木) 高校総体・中体連壮行式
2008-06-06 (金) 高校総体開会式
2008-06-08 (日) 弘前聖愛チーム、リトルシニア県大会3位
2008-06-09 (月) 中学校礼拝/高校総体友情杯獲得
2008-06-10 (火) 高校総体報告会
2008-06-11 (水) 中学3年サイエンススクール
2008-06-12 (木) 花の日ポスター掲示
2008-06-13 (金) 青森県高P連弘前大会
2008-06-14 (土) 中体連
2008-06-15 (日) 野球部栄養講座/中体連
2008-06-16 (月) 中学生が運動会の個人練習
2008-06-17 (火) 弘前学院大学より留学生が来校
2008-06-18 (水) 運動会
2008-06-19 (木) 花の日礼拝
2008-06-20 (金) 中学1年生活教室1日目
2008-06-21 (土) 中学1年生活教室2日目
2008-06-23 (月) 英語礼拝
2008-06-24 (火) 創立記念礼拝
2008-06-25 (水) 創立記念日
2008-06-27 (金) 黒鉄黐と蜂
2008-06-28 (土) 中学校でお花を育てます
2008-06-30 (月) 献金日

2008-06-30 (月)

献金の祈り今日は献金日、献金先はJOCS(日本キリスト教海外医療協力会)です。 「JOCSは『みんなで生きる』をモットーとして活動しています。『みんなで 生きる』ために、私たちは助け合うことが必要だと思います。わたし達の献金が 多くの人達を助けられるよう祈ります」とは中学生のお祈りです。
This month's offering went to JOCS, a group of Japanese Christian doctors who serve those in need overseas. "JOCS's motto is 'living for everyone', and I think we need to help too. As we live for everyone, please help this offering to bless as many people as possible," prayed the junior high religion committee representative.

2008-06-28 (土)

中学校では日専連弘前青年部と協力し、9月下旬までお花を育てま す。今日はそのお花が届けられ、生徒たちはサフィニアの沢山の苗を15鉢に移 し替え、水やりや花殻つみなどの説明を受けました。育ったお花は商店街に飾ら れる予定です。
Today junior high students helped with a local group cultivate flowers. Students also learned about seeding rice and irrigating plants. The flowers they are planting will adorn the main street shopping district.

2008-06-27 (金)

Here is a bee as he jumps around from flower to flower on the school grounds. These flowers blossomed at about the same time as last year. In the fall the flowers will become a dark red color.

2008-06-24 (火)

During first period today, there was a special chapel service for the school anniversary. Rev. Ishika Yasu spoke from 2 Corinthians 4:18 and the importance of believing in things unseen. She also told us the story of how she became a Christian.

2008-06-23 (月)

Today is the monthly English chapel service led by Mr. Nick. He told a story about how when he was a child and his mother made paper cut outs of Bible verses that he and his brother had to read each day. One verse from Corinthians chapter ten, "No temptation have over taken you except what is common to man..." he remembered especially well because this verse helped him in many times of trouble. And it also promises that you will never be alone because God will be with you. Mr. Nick encouraged students to read the Bible for themselves and memorize its' important promises.

2008-06-21 (土)

生活教室の二日目中学生活教室の二日目です。 過去を振り返りながら、将来どうありたいかを考える。そのためには、今何ができるかという順序でひとりひとり考えました。閉会礼拝のお話は新約聖書からテサロニケの信徒の手紙Ⅰ5章16節以下を使って、「今生きていることは当たり前のことではない。感謝したい」との内容でした。
Today was the second day of the junior high retreat. Students were asked to reflect on their pasts, and also write goals for their future. The final chapel service "Always be thankful" was based on 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 16.

2008-06-20 (金)

Today was the first day of the first grade junior high retreat. In the morning students learned about the history of our school as well as the history of Christianity. There was also time to get to know each other. In the afternoon students broke up in five groups and worked together to cook curry and rice over campfires. It was even more delicious because students had the satisfaction of making it themselves.

2008-06-19 (木)

Today was the special "Flower Day" chapel service. This day is celebrated at churches and Christian schools all over Japan. In the chapel an in each classroom, students made and displayed bouquets. After school representatives from each class went around town to give the bouquets to various public officials and unfortunate people (as well as administration members at Seiai). We give these flowers to thank and uplift these people who have helped us.

2008-06-18 (水)

Once again there was good weather for Seiai's Sports Day. Students made small groups and competed in various events. Pictured here, is the "Club Relay Race". Students from each club made teams dressed in their uniforms and passed off a "baton" from their club - a basketball, a guitar, or a baseball bat for example. It was a fun time for everyone.

2008-06-17 (火)

Today four visiting exchange students from Hirosaki Gakuin Daigaku (our affiliated college), came to visit. They had a tour of the school facilities, clubs, and they also joined an English conversation class in the late afternoon. Students asked questions about life in each other's countries, as well as favorite hobbies, sports, movies, music, etc.

2008-06-16 (月)

Sports Day is coming up on Wednesday. It will be very fun. Each homeroom will choose students to participate against other homerooms in track and field-like events. They will compete at the track on the Seiai grounds. Pictured here, several students are practicing the "10 person - 11 legged race". "It's difficult because everyone's heights and steps are different. So we need to work together!" said one student after they had all just fallen down.

2008-06-15 (日)

試食野球部後援会主催で栄養講座を開催しました。 今回は試合期の選手の食事をテーマに開催しました。 講師には今回も植山美智さんです。 第一部の講義では疲労回復やケガの予防に適した 食材の紹介がありました。第2部は調理実習でした。 高校生と同じ量試食をしましたが、大変な量でした。
Today the baseball booster club held a lecture on nutrition for athletes. The first half of the lecture was on adequate nutrition for fatigue recuperation and injury recovery. The second half was a hands-on cooking lesson to apply the information they had learned. This sample meal is the recommended amount of food for a student athlete, but still, it looks enormous.

2008-06-14 (土)

中体連が始まりました。今年は新体操、器械体操、バドミントン、バスケットボール、バレーボール、剣道に出場します。特に新体操、バレーボール、剣道は初出場です。応援をよろしくお願いします。なお、詳細は「中体連 聖愛の出場種目・日程一覧」をご覧下さい。
Today was the Aomori Junior High Sports Tournament. This year, the junior high had a few more clubs participate - gymnastics, badminton, basketball, volleyball, and kendou. Please come and cheer our students on to victory.

2008-06-13 (金)

Today at the Aomori Prefectural PTA meeting, the Seiai drill team (SPG) performed their human tower act. You could even hear their vigor filled voices outside the meeting hall.

2008-06-12 (木)

The "Flower Day" chapel service is coming up next week on the 19th, and students from the religion committee in each homeroom made posters to remind students to bring flowers next week. The posters are now on display in the main hallway on the second floor.

2008-06-11 (水)

福田先生から研究の説明を聞く中学3年のサイエンススクールが行われました。 スタンダードコースは青森県立美術館で開催している「人体の不思議展」を見学し、アドバンスコースは弘前大学理工学部知能機械工学科で、実際の大学の講義や研究の様子を見学しました。 知能機械工学科では3つの講義で学生に混じって講義を受け、実際の授業の雰囲気を味わいました。また、5つの研究室におじゃまして現在行っている研究の説明とその目的をとてもわかりやすく説明して頂きました。 生徒達は、メモをとりながら、大学の先生や学生のみなさんのお話に真剣に耳を傾けていました。最後に知能機械工学科の学科長である福田先生から、何事にも興味関心をもってイマジネーションをはたらかせて考えてみることがとても重要ですとのお話がありました。 これから私たちは、理科の授業で、今回見学した研究機器を使うと、どんな研究ができるかレポートにまとめる予定です。イマジネーションをはたらかせて中学生らしいアイディアがたくさん出てくることを期待しています。
Today third grade junior high students had science field trips. Standard course students went to the creative, yet scientifically correct biology display at the Aomori Art Museum. Advanced course students visited the department of science and engineering at Hirosaki University to witness university lectures and research seminars for themselves. The information was explained in an easy to understand manor, and the students took notes. Finally, the science department head encouraged students to "put both their interests and imaginations to work" when practically applying science. Hopefully today encouraged students to continue doing their best in their science studies.

2008-06-10 (火)

There was an assembly during first period this morning to announce the results of the athletic conference. The tournament's "friendship cup" returned to Seiai again this year (we also were awarded it the year before last). Team representatives told the student body the results of their games, thanked them for their support, and spoke of their hopes for the upcoming regional "inter-high" tournament. The assembly closed with the school song - lead by the school's drill team, SPG.

2008-06-09 (月)

This year the Seiai girls were also awarded "the friendship cup". We won the friendship cup two years ago as well. Students who won awards arrived back at school at about 6 o'clock in the evening. Pictured here, the two teams that won overall in their tournaments - kyudou and girls' tennis - took a picture with the principal and the student council.

。Today high school students went to the high school athletic tournament, but junior high students had regular lessons. Junior high students had the chapel all to themselves. They sang a hymn accompanied by 3rd grader Ayana Chiba on the piano.

2008-06-08 (日)

6月7日、8日の両日、青森市スポーツ公園においてリトルシニアの県大会が行われました。弘前聖愛チームは 残念ながら決勝に進出することはできませんでしたが、 三位決定戦で勝利を収めました。10-4の大勝でした。
On Saturday and Sunday, the baseball team played in the athletic tournament at Aomori Sports Park. The baseball team tied for third place in the tournament. But they won the game for 3rd place with a decisive victory - 10 to 4.

2008-06-06 (金)

合羽を着用して待機今日から高校総体が始まりました。総勢90名がバスで青森県総合運動公園陸上 競技場に向かいましたが、開会の時刻になっても雨が止まなかったため、各校選 手団は合羽を着用して参加しました。 天候を考慮して多少簡略化されましたが、表彰や選手宣誓など すべてのプログラムをこなし開会式を終えました。ちなみに 聖愛高校バレーボール部は三年連続優勝の表彰をうけ、 あらたな気持ちで明日からの健闘を誓っていました。
Today was the opening ceremony for the high school athletic tournament. Despite the rain, 90 students and staff from Seiai participated. Players from all schools were introduced, and all the athletes took an oath of good conduct.

2008-06-05 (木)

This afternoon there was a pep rally for the upcoming high school athletic tournament. Captains from each club lined up on stage and encouraged students and faculty to come and cheer them on at their event. The opening ceremony for the tournament is tomorrow. The junior high athletic tournament is on the 14th and 15th of this month.

2008-06-04 (水)

Our volleyball girls have won the All Aomori Sports Tournament three years in a row. This time will make four years in a row. They practice with that goal in mind.

2008-06-03 (火)

ソフトボール部今週金曜から高校総体が始まります。総体に向けての練習も終盤で す。ソフトボール部は春季県大会では3位でした。「3位はくやしい。総体でも 目の前の試合を大事にし、やはり優勝を目指したい」と、高校生活で最後の総体 を迎えるキャプテンが言っていました。
The all Aomori Sports Tournament will start this Friday. All teams are having extra practices for the tournament. The softball team got third place in a recent tournament. "Third place is good, but our goal this time is first place. And to accomplish that goal, we need to keep our eyes on the upcoming game," said the softball captain. This will be her last tournament since she will be graduating this year.

2008-06-02 (月)

To prepare for the upcoming school festival, junior high students from homeroom 2-2 are preparing a traditional yosakoi dance. Here, they are watching a video and copying the moves they see.

The student teachers are starting their third and final week at Seiai. Pictured here, a student teacher presents an ethics lesson to homeroom 3B. Using an "ego gram" the students had an opportunity to analyze their personality.

弘前学院聖愛中学高等学校 http://www.seiai.ed.jp/