


SEIAI Journal


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2007-10-01 (月) 中高中間試験1
2007-10-02 (火) 中高中間試験2
2007-10-03 (水) 高校中間試験3/中学遠足
2007-10-04 (木) 高等学校学校説明会
2007-10-05 (金) バドミントン部の練習風景
2007-10-09 (火) ディベート講座/救命救急講座
2007-10-10 (水) 高校1年生の修学旅行事前学習
2007-10-11 (木) 高校修学旅行(イタリア班)出発
2007-10-12 (金) 数学検定グランプリ金賞を受賞
2007-10-13 (土) 高校修学旅行(沖縄班)出発
2007-10-15 (月) 高校修学旅行イタリア班/沖縄班
2007-10-16 (火) 保健衛生デー(高校1年)/中学校のロングホームルーム風景
2007-10-17 (水) 高校修学旅行沖縄班は京都
2007-10-18 (木) 高校修学旅行帰弘
2007-10-20 (土) 中学校体験講座(音楽)
2007-10-21 (日) 木蓮の実
2007-10-22 (月) 高等学校面接練習
2007-10-23 (火) 写真部が高総文の準備中
2007-10-24 (水) キリスト教教育週間1
2007-10-25 (木) キリスト教教育週間2
2007-10-26 (金) 吹奏楽合同練習
2007-10-27 (土) 中学校漢字検定対策講座
2007-10-28 (日) 信濃柿(しなのがき)
2007-10-29 (月) 英語礼拝
2007-10-30 (火) 高校1年進路ガイダンス/中学校で美術の作品展示
2007-10-31 (水) 献金日/中学英語でハロウィーンを学ぶ

2007-10-31 (水)

校庭の木々校庭の木々も紅葉が進んで青空との対比も美しく、今日の写真はこれにしました。今日は献金日でした。知能に重い障害をもった子どもたちのための施設、止揚学園(しようがくえん)に献げられました。滋賀県能登川町に設立されて以来45年、リーダーである福井 達雨(ふくい たつう)さんには何度か講演をしていただいています。
It's a beautiful autumn day, the changing leaves stand out against the blue sky. Today is also the monthly offering in chapel. This month's offering will be donated to Shiyou Gakuen in Shiga-ken (a group that helps mentally handicapped children).

ハロウィーンについて英語の授業今日は“ハロウィーン”(Halloween)です。中学校の英語の授業ではハロウィーンについて学びました。仮装した子供達が「トリック・オア・トリート(Trick or treat. お菓子をくれなきゃ、いたずらするぞ)」と唱えて家々をまわる習慣にあやかって、ささやかな菓子交換も行われたようです。ハロウィーンの飾りを窓に貼ったクラスもありました。
Today is also Halloween. Second year junior high students learned about Halloween during their English lesson, and afterwards they had a Halloween party. Students learned about the Western culture of wearing costumes, going to neighbor's houses and saying, "Trick or Treat" to get candy.

2007-10-30 (火)

作品を展示中学校・選択美術での作品を展示する作業を、秋田豊先生と生徒たちが行いました。8月に行われた弘前市中教研美術部門の写生大会での作品で す。“夏の海”や“自画像”が描かれていて、通りがかった高校生が早速見入ってま した。
Selected art works by junior high students were put on display in the hallway today so that all the students an see them. These works were also on display for the Hirosaki All-City Art Competition in August. The works are scenes of the Aomori-shi bay in summer and a self-portrait.

Today there was a guidance meeting for students on the English, Nursing, or College Prep tracks. With many people hardly earning a living wage, training in these courses can help students discover a real career. At this meeting, Matsuno-sensei offered concrete advice about how Seiai students can attain their career goals.

2007-10-29 (月)

英語礼拝月に一度の英語礼拝です。本校の外国人教員で宣教師でもあるニコ ラス・ボイス先生の担当です。お話は創世記2章より。「神は御自分に似せて人 を創造された。だからこそ、私たち人間はお互いを尊重すべきなのです」との内 容でした。
This is the monthly English Chapel Service. Today Seiai's resident missionary English teacher, Nick-sensei, spoke on Genesis chapter 2 - the story of how God made us in His image.

2007-10-28 (日)

Here in the afternoon sun are some interesting persimmons on our school grounds. These persimmons are thumb nail size. Their name is Mame Gaki. Mame means "bean" and Gaki means "persimmon" so theses are "bean-sized persimmons". Persimmons are a typical autumn food in Japan, they are very delicious.

2007-10-27 (土)

Today junior high students took a practice test in preparation for the upcoming standardized kanji test. All students passed the test. They truly did their best. This school year students will also take standardized English and Math tests. Good marks on these tests will help students enter better colleges, and have more chances for leadership positions.

2007-10-26 (金)

吹奏楽合同練習吹奏楽部は他の3校と合同で高総文に参加します。明日の弘前市民 会館での本番に備え、4校の合同練習が本校礼拝堂で行われました。演奏する生 徒の総数は約70名にもなるそうです。さすがに迫力のある編成と音量です。
Today Seiai's band and three other school bands practiced in the chapel. They will have a joint concert tomorrow in the Hirosaki Civic Center. Altogether there are 70 members of the joint band. They should have an amazing sound tomorrow.

2007-10-25 (木)

野村祐之先生キリスト教教育週間二日目です。礼拝・講演で始まりました。 講演テーマは米国ホスピスでボランティアをされたことのある野村祐之先生によ る「友と共に、よろこんで」(主題聖句、テサロニケの信徒への手紙Ⅰ 5: 16~18)。私たちの「手」と漢字の「友」を手がかりに、聖書の示す愛とは 何かを、身振り手振りを加え、話してくださいました。
Today is the second and final day of "Christian Education Days". Today there was a special guest speaker at both the morning chapel service and the closing ceremony, Yuushi Nomura-sensei. He preached on 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 and hands show our love and friendship - the Japanese kanji that means "friend" is two hands.

聖書の学習の時間講演後、クラスごとに聖書の学習の時間があります。本校の聖 書科教員(宗教主任)ではなく、街の牧師たちや講師に担当してもらいます。生 徒達は通常とは異なる雰囲気で聖書を読み、話しを聞き、聖書の価値観に触れま した。
The afternoon Bible lecture was given by the guest speaker and other pastors from the area. The students enjoyed the change from their regular Bible class teachers.

2007-10-24 (水)

パインハウス城南キリスト教教育週間第1日目です。開会礼拝の後、奉仕活動と映画 鑑賞を行いました。奉仕活動では福祉施設や保育園、弘前市中心部や大鰐線の駅 など合計35箇所に行き、交流やお掃除を行いました。地域の方々の支えによっ て行うことのできる奉仕活動です。「普段通っている道だが、空き缶やお菓子の 袋がポイ捨てされていることを知った」とは、弘前駅前掃除を行った中学生の言 葉です。
Today is the first day of "Christian Education Days". After morning chapel, students went out to various places to do service projects. Groups of students visited elderly people at nursing homes, assisted preschool with childcare, and picked up litter at stations along the local Hirosaki-Owani train line. "I usually take the train to and from school, but I don't notice all the litter," said one junior high student.

大開保育園写真は大開保育園とパインハウス城南です。大開保育園にはこの写真まで 提供していただきました。ありがとうございました。
This photo is from Oobiraki preschool. Students played with children at the preschool. Many thanks to Oobiraki preschool for allowing Seiai students to volunteer today.

2007-10-23 (火)

The photography club is preparing their exhibit for the Aomori-ken Arts Festival. The seven members of the club are putting a lot of effort into it, spending many late nights pasting and framing. The club is now excepting applications. Interested students, please ask the current members of the photography club.

2007-10-22 (月)

In high school, preparations for interviews are begining. Both students seeking employment and students trying to enter college will have interviews. Teachers have now begun "practice interviews" with all interested third year students. Students practice proper manners and composure as well during the interviews. It's great to see students preparing for their future

2007-10-21 (日)

This is a magnolia pod. The flowers are white, but the pods are red. The flower is bigger than the pod - about the size of your palm. The pod is small and oddly shaped. There are usually more flowers than pods. I have seen many unripe pods on the ground, but this is the first time I have seen a ripe pod on the plant itself.

2007-10-20 (土)

演奏に合わせて讃美歌中学で音楽体験講座が行われました。県外国外でも活躍されている打楽器合奏団“ファルサ”の素晴らしい演奏を聴きました。その後ティンパニやドラム、木琴などに実際にさわらせていただき、演奏方法を教えてもらいました。さらに、演奏に合わせて讃美歌を歌ったり、生徒の演奏するバイオリ ンとピアノも加ったり、まさに音を楽しみました。
Today there was a concert for junior high students. The group was a percussion ensemble. They have performed in many other places both nationally and internationally. Students had a chance to actually play the tympani, xylophone, drums, and other instruments and be taught by the performers. The students also performed their own music. They sang hymns accompanied by the piano and violin. This was truly "music appreciation".

2007-10-18 (木)

Today the Italy group and the Okinawa group both arrived in Hirosaki safely. Tomorrow they will get a vacation day from school. This will be especially useful for the members of the Italy trip who are suffering from jet lag.

2007-10-17 (水)

The Okinawa group is now in Kyoto, so they are now the "Kyoto group". This morning students had a look around town without a tour guide. They utilized all of the public transit and found all the points of interest. Tonight students will take an overnight "sleeper train" back to Hirosaki.

2007-10-16 (火)

This morning first year students watched a video and presentation from the Hirosaki Police Department about the dangers of using illegal drugs.

班での話し合い中学校のLHR(ロングホームルーム)風景です。二学期の中間テス トが終わり、より充実した二学期を送るため、自分を振り返り、今後の取り組み や個人目標を決めました。また、班の目標をも決めました。率先して意見を出し 合う生徒達の姿が印象的でした。
This is a scene from a junior high classroom during long homeroom. Now that midterm tests are over for the second term. Students made groups and took some time to reflect, make goals, and share their impressions so far.

2007-10-15 (月)

The Italy group is currently touring Rome for day 5 of their school trip. They visited the Siena Cathedral. The Okinawa group is on day 3 of their trip. Today they are staying at the famous Hotel Arabia.

2007-10-13 (土)

This morning second year students going to Okinawa left. This evening they are having a tour of Shuri Castle. They will also listen to a presentation by veterans who personally experienced the war in Okinawa.

2007-10-12 (金)

During the first term, Seiai students took the "Grand Prix Gold" Math Certification test. Today Seiai was given a certificate and plaque in recognition of our students' high achievements on the certification test. Sixty Seiai students took the certification test. We're proud that they all did well.

2007-10-11 (木)

The 35 students and 3 teachers who are going to Italy departed with their tour guide early this morning. From Narita International Airport in Tokyo, they will have a 12 hour and 40 minute flight to Rome. They will arrive in Italy tomorrow around 2:15 am Japan time. The principal saw the students off at the local Aomori airport.

2007-10-10 (水)

As the second year students are departing for their trips to Italy and Okinawa, first year students have finished their reports on about what they want to do next year for their school trips (also to Okinawa or Italy). The students reports are about a topic they find interesting about the destination. Topics posted here include: church architecture, the origins of royalty, war, traditional culture and natural wonders - just to name a few of the things they're investigating. A high school from Okinawa made it to the baseball finals. One Seiai student wrote their report from the viewpoint of a student of the Okinawa high school.

2007-10-09 (火)

ディベート講座中学1・2年合同でディベート講座が行われました。国語の表現力 を学ぶ授業の一環です。論題に対する肯定者や反論者だけでなく、聴く側・審査 側の生徒にとっても自分の意見をしっかり持つことの難しさと、人を説得することの難しさを感じる時間でした。
Today all junior high students had a lesson in debate. They learned not only to make points and to refute points, but they also learned how to express their opinions.

救命救急講座高校3年一般コース看護進学系の生徒28名が「看護基礎」の授業の一環として 救命救急講座を受講しました。自動体外式除細動器(AED)の操作方法を 学びました。看護進学系は2年生から選択できる「系」です。一般系より化学 などの授業時間数が多くなっています。
Today 28 third year students in the nursing track learned emergency first aid. They learned how to use an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) as well as regular conventional methods. Students can chose to enter the nursing track at Seiai starting in their second year of school.

2007-10-05 (金)

Here is a scene from badminton practice today. "Every day we warm up with a hard run to build endurance, it doesn't feel good now. But it feels good after you've won the match," commented one first year student.

2007-10-04 (木)

Today was an "open campus" day for teachers. Forty-six teachers from other junior high schools in Hirosaki came to see what high school classes at Seiai are like. Teachers were free to visit any of the class this afternoon. The English Conversation Class was popular even among the visiting teachers. Today's lesson was a role play in the airport. Pictured here a student acts as the flight attendant while the teacher does the captain's take off announcements. The other students are seated in desks resembling the cabin of a plane. The in flight meal will be served shortly. Students enjoyed the lesson because it was applicable to real life situations

2007-10-03 (水)

炊きたてのお米高校は中間試験の3日目でしたが、中学校は遠足でした。2年生は長平青少年旅行村(鰺ヶ沢町)で昼 ご飯を野外で作る炊事遠足を行いました。事前にグループごとに計画を練り、買 い出しを行いました。いくつかのグループは飯盒を利用してお米を炊きました。 「フタを開けたら炊きたてのお米が光っていて嬉しかった。食べたらとてもおい しかった」とのこと。また、食事にあとは小川へ遊びに行き自然に触れて、とても楽しそうでした。
Today high school students had midterm tests, but junior high students had field trips. Second year students went hiking and had a picnic in nearby Ajigasawa. They cooked rice outside on a fire. This was a first experience for most students since they usually use their rice cookers at home. Students planned the meal, bought the groceries, and cooked it themselves. After the meal, students played outside by the river. They had a good time today.

青森県立美術館まえで中学1年生は 青森県立美術館と棟方志功記念館に行きました。特に、美術館では 「舞台芸術の世界-ディアギレフのロシアバレエと舞台デザイン-」 の特別展と、常設展の青森県出身作家の作品を班ごとに鑑賞しまし た。生徒たちは、絵を遠くから、また近くから見て、その奥深さを感じていました。
First year junior high students went to two art museums today - the Munakatashikou Art Museum, and the Aomori-ken Art Museum. The main display was items from Russian Ballet performances. Students also viewed other exhibits by Japanese artists.

2007-10-02 (火)

This is a scene from a junior high afternoon homeroom. A student selected by the homeroom teacher leads the prayer and dismissal. Tomorrow junior high students will have a field trip.

2007-10-01 (月)

Today is the first day of midterm tests for both high school and junior high. Like this time last year, there are many dragonflies outside.

弘前学院聖愛中学高等学校 http://www.seiai.ed.jp/