


SEIAI Journal


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2007-09-03 (月) トチの実
2007-09-04 (火) 中学校弁論大会リハーサル
2007-09-05 (水) 調理実習
2007-09-06 (木) 中学校弁論大会
2007-09-07 (金) 少年防犯弁論大会
2007-09-08 (土) 進路講話会
2007-09-10 (月) 弘前地区中文連英語弁論大会
2007-09-11 (火) 文化の集いステージ発表の練習
2007-09-12 (水) 高校3年Fクラスの担当礼拝
2007-09-13 (木) 文化の集い、看板の設置
2007-09-14 (金) 文化の集い、ステージ発表
2007-09-15 (土) 文化の集い、一般公開
2007-09-16 (日) 演劇部、地区大会で最優秀校
2007-09-18 (火) 礼拝堂外壁・屋根修理完了(9/15代休)
2007-09-19 (水) TOEICサンプルテスト
2007-09-20 (木) 中学2年生が調理実習でマドレーヌ
2007-09-21 (金) 中学校授業参観・学級懇談
2007-09-22 (土) 山法師の実がたくさん
2007-09-23 (日) 赤い木の実が鮮やか
2007-09-24 (月) 秋の日ざしと校舎
2007-09-25 (火) 生徒会アセンブリー/高校海外修学旅行説明会
2007-09-26 (水) 高校3年Gクラスの担当礼拝
2007-09-27 (木) センター試験志願票の説明会
2007-09-29 (土) 欄間取付工事

2007-09-29 (土)

The third year teacher's office is always stuffy and hot. Today construction started on windows near the ceiling that will allow some cross ventilation . Already with just the holes in the wall, the room is cooler.

2007-09-27 (木)

Today there was an explanatory meeting for students who are filling out applications for the standardized "Center Test". Of course after this they will be busy preparing for the test.

2007-09-26 (水)

高校3年Gクラスの担当礼拝高校3年Gクラスの担当礼拝でした。エフェソの信徒の手紙6章2節の聖書朗読。「自分の出生を振り返ると、生まれた瞬間から両親に支えられてきたと強く思う。今まで育ててくれた両親に感謝したい」との小田桐さんのお話でした。 この後クラスで“わがたましいのしたいまつる”(512番)を歌いました。ま た、本日は献金日でした。障がいを持たれた方々・ご高齢の方々のために尊い働 きをされている“牧ノ原やまばと学園”(静岡県)に献げられました。
Homeroom 3G led chapel this morning. Students spoke on Ephesians 6:2, "Honor your father and mother." Today was also the monthly offering. The offering will be sent to a charitable organization helping people in Shizuoka prefecture.

2007-09-25 (火)

This evening at 7 o' clock there was an explanatory meeting for guardians of students who are going on the Italy trip in two weeks. Twenty-six guardians came. Students going to Italy will depart on October 11th, while students going to Okinawa will leave on October 13th.

Today there was an assembly first period. The assembly was about student council elections. The student council announced candidates over the intercom, then all the students met in the gym and voted for their representatives.

2007-09-24 (月)

Today is a national holiday for the autumn equinox. There are still college track classes, however, basic track students have the day off. It's a beautiful day.

2007-09-23 (日)

These are not apples. They are only about 5mm wide. I don't know their name, but they're a beautifully vivid red color.

2007-09-22 (土)

These are the yamaboushi berries. They are similar to strawberries.

2007-09-21 (金)

Today during 5th and 6th periods, guardians of junior high students came to watch their children in class. About 25 parents and guardians came. Pictured here, first year junior high students are doing warm-ups for gym class.

2007-09-20 (木)

Second year junior high students made "Madeleine" cookies in home economics class today. They were a little difficult to make, but both the girls and the boys enjoyed the process. And of course the students enjoyed eating them after they had finished baking too.

2007-09-19 (水)

This evening students took a practice listening test in preparation for taking the TOEIC test. Twelve junior high students and ten high school students will take the TOEIC test.

2007-09-18 (火)

The chapel construction that started during summer vacation is finally finished. The roof is still red, but the old white mortar walls were changed to dark brown aluminum siding. This color is actually closer to the original color of the exterior walls when the chapel was first built.

2007-09-16 (日)

Yesterday and today, there was a district competition for local drama clubs at the Hirosaki Cultural Center. The Seiai Drama Club won first place, and the club will perform again in the Aomori-ken finals at the Kuroishi Cultural Center.

2007-09-15 (土)

Today was the carnival day of the school festival at Seiai. Both homerooms and clubs had booths. Pictured here, the cooking club had a cafe - which was very popular for lunch. They served kurry rice, and a korean dish called "bibinba". They also served desserts like tiramisu and pudding.

2007-09-14 (金)

Today is the stage show part of the school festival. Pictured here is homeroom 3F. The girls did a dance to songs from Alice in Wonderland, and the boys did a parody of "Billy Blank's Boot Camp". Then they came together for a grand finale.

2007-09-13 (木)

看板の設置“文化の集い”のための正門の立て看板設置中の生徒会です。縁の下 の力持ちとして支えています。「役員がなかなか決まらなかったし、校内の装 飾をどのようにするか、思い通り行かず悩むことも多かった。でもなんとかここまで頑張ったので、みんなに楽しんでもらいたい」とは、生徒会長の髙橋結希さん(3年)の言葉です。5月頃から準備をしてきました。明日と明後日が“文化の集い”です。
This afternoon the student council put the school festival signs on front gate. The process didn't go too smoothly, but in the end everything looked great. The school festival will be tomorrow and Saturday.

2007-09-12 (水)

Today homeroom 3F lead chapel. Students spoke on the passage "Do not try to remove the spec in your brother's eye without first removing the plank from your own eye" from Matthew 7:1-6.

2007-09-11 (火)

ステージ発表練習文化の集い・ステージ発表(14日)に向けて、各クラスが練習に 取り組んでいます。前庭や駐車場から元気な声が聞こえます。そして運動場では 3年CクラスとSPGが練習をしていました。「高校生活最後のステージ発表な ので、クラス全体で力を合わせて頑張りたい」といっていました。
The "stage day" of the festival is coming up this Friday. Homerooms are busy vigorously practicing both indoors and outdoors. Students are eager to show their best side at the show on Friday. We wish everyone good luck!

2007-09-10 (月)

Today was the all city English speech contest. Three Seiai students participated: second year students Moe Kitayama and Misaki Sawada, and first year student Suzuka Narita. Narita won fourth place, but all three did well.

2007-09-08 (土)

進路指導部主任の説明PTA主催の進路講話会が行われ、約60名の保護者が出席しまし た。本校進路指導部主任の話をメモをとりながら熱心に聞いていました。
Today there was a PTA meeting. About 60 parents and guardians came to listen to a presentation on helping their children choose a college.

2007-09-07 (金)

Today was the all city junior high school speech contest at Fujisaki Junior High. The contest was sponsored by the Hirosaki Crime Prevention Association. Two Seiai students participated. First year student Yuri Osawa, and second year student Ayana Chiba.

2007-09-06 (木)

Today was the final round of the junior high speech contest (in Japanese). The final 12 students competed for first place in their grade. Miki Saito won the first year student competition. And Moe Kitayama won the second year student competition. Also, seven parents and guardians came to watch their children deliver their speeches.

2007-09-05 (水)

Today third year students had a hands on home economics class. They made Mutsumame with shiratama (a traditional Japanese summertime sweet). Then they colored it with green tea powder, cocoa powder, orange juice, syrup, etc. to make it look like animals, people, or popular cartoon characters. This was a very popular lesson for the girls, but the boys also enjoyed it.

2007-09-04 (火)

中学校では6日(木)の5・6時間目に弁論大会があります。今日はそのリハーサルが行われました。 弁論の課題は新聞記事を一つ取り上げて自分の意見を述べるというもので、夏休みの国語の宿題でした。講壇はかなり高いので発表者は姿勢やおじぎなども注目されかなり緊張します。国語の教師でもある中学校の教頭先生からの指導がありました。
On Thursday during 5th and 6th hours the junior high will have their speech contest (in Japanese, the English speech contest was in July). Students are expressing their opinion on a topic found in a newspaper article. Today the students practiced for the contest. And the Japanese Language teacher gave them advice on their delivery.

2007-09-03 (月)

The tochi fruits are getting larger. It's still hot here, but some leaves are starting to lose their color.

弘前学院聖愛中学高等学校 http://www.seiai.ed.jp/