


SEIAI Journal


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2007-07-01 (日) アジサイの花
2007-07-02 (月) 試験準備
2007-07-03 (火) 小礼拝堂の椅子
2007-07-04 (水) 高校期末試験
2007-07-05 (木) 中学高校期末試験
2007-07-06 (金) 中学高校期末試験/中学防犯教室
2007-07-07 (土) 栃の実
2007-07-10 (火) 吹奏楽部マーチング練習
2007-07-11 (水) 高校3年Dクラス担当礼拝
2007-07-12 (木) 野球部の練習
2007-07-13 (金) 演劇教室
2007-07-17 (火) 中学スピーチコンテスト
2007-07-18 (水) スポーツ大会
2007-07-19 (木) 運動会
2007-07-20 (金) 終業式・藤田栄一先生退任式/イタリア修学旅行にむけて
2007-07-21 (土) 夏の甲子園予選、準々決勝で敗退。
2007-07-24 (火) 弘前聖愛シニアの練習
2007-07-25 (水) 保健室で布団干し/礼拝堂改修工事
2007-07-26 (木) 中学校学習合宿/インターハイを前にして
2007-07-27 (金) 中学校学習合宿から帰校
2007-07-28 (土) 中学校説明会/パソコン検定
2007-07-31 (火) 柿の実

2007-07-31 (火)

The branches of the persimmon tree are getting heavy again as the fruit grows. Later this summer they'll make wonderful fresh snacks.

2007-07-28 (土)

パソコン検定パソコン検定を実施しました。中学1年生から高校3年生まで、 それぞれのレベルにあわせて受検しました。
Today interested students from all grades (both junior high and high school) tested for "computer certification" at their grade level.

学校生活について聖愛中学校の学校説明会が行われました。教頭が中高一貫教育の意義と具体的な取り組みの説明しました。 その後、2年生スタンダード・アドバンス両コースの生徒からも 学校生活について話をしました。 スタンダードは特に得意分野を伸ばしながら、 また、アドバンスコースは勉強を頑張りながら、共に文武両道を目指して 頑張っています。出席者は児童・保護者合計65名でした。
Today there was a meeting for junior high parents and guardians. After a message from the junior high vice principal, two students (one from the standard track, and one from advanced track) talked about their experiences at Seiai. Sixty-five parents and guardians came to the meeting.

2007-07-27 (金)

学習合宿から戻る中学1・2年アドバンスコースの生徒が学習合宿から戻ってきまし た。二日目はチェックテストの後、5コマの補習を受けました。「疲れたけれど、夜少しの時間、友達と遊ぶことができて楽しかった」と1 年生の生徒の感想です。みんなよく頑張りました。
Today advanced track students returned from their study training camp. One first year student said, "Although it was hard work, it was fun to be able to hang out and play together in the evening."

2007-07-26 (木)

バレーボール部とソフトボール部夏らしい暑い日です。インターハイを前にして気持ちも盛り上がってきました。 写真左を走るのは明日出発するバレーボール部です。 右で声をかけているのは1日に出発するソフトボール部です。お互い声を掛け合って 励ましています。体操部は今日佐賀に向けて出発しました。
It's another hot day of summer vacation! On the left is the volleyball team, on the right is the softball team. You can hear the voices of both teams echoing on the field. The teams spur each other on as they practice in the heat together.

学習合宿中学校アドバンスコース1,2年の学習合宿が始まりました。鹿角のホテルで一泊二日でおこなわれます。学校での 礼拝、出発式の後、バスで移動し、午前中に早速2コマの講習を受けました。
Today advanced course students from both first and second year students are having lessons at a special training camp. They left after chapel this morning. They are staying at a hotel in Akita for a night and two days. They studied math, English, and Japanese. It was a good chance to get away from regular school.

2007-07-25 (水)

This summer the plaster and lath exterior walls of the chapel are being completely redone. Construction should be finished around the beginning of September. The chapel is a symbol of the great Christian history of Seiai, and it is an inspiration for the future of Seiai. The school's chapel was built in 1929. When the school moved in 1974, the chapel building was moved to the new location.

Today the nurse is airing the futons from the nurse's office. (Because of the high humidity in Japan, you need to air the futons regularly). It's another hot summer vacation day - a good day for that sort of thing.

2007-07-24 (火)

聖愛シニアのメンバー弘前聖愛シニアの練習が聖愛の野球場で行われています。 監督と選手7名で練習しています。練習はほぼ毎日午前中行われています。 28日(土)には中学校と弘前聖愛シニアの説明会が行われます。
This is baseball practice at the Seiai baseball field. Baseball players will practice every morning this week, and they will have a team meeting on Saturday.

2007-07-21 (土)

The baseball boys made it to the quarterfinals of the Aomori-ken baseball tournament. The whole school went to Aomori with the baseball team. But they lost to Hachinohe's Industrial High School. We were not expected to win in the previous game though, so just playing in this game was a privilege. Pictured here, the team says thank you to the school and other fans who attended the game.

2007-07-20 (金)

For the second year school trip this year, students will have the option of going to either Italy or Okinawa. This is the first time students have had the option of going to Italy. Today an Italian international exchange worker from the JET program came to Seiai. She speaks Japanese fluently, and she taught interested students about Italian culture, climate, and points of caution to remember while traveling in Italy.

Today was the closing ceremony for the first term at Seiai. Today Fujita-sensei will go into retirement. This spring he will turn 60 (the mandatory retirement age in Japan). He was going to continue to work using the re-employment program, so he planned on teaching here until this June. But he decided to retire now because he is in bad health. However he will continue to help the Earth Science Club and manage Seiai's astronomy dome. He has taught at Seiai for a long time, and he will be missed.

2007-07-19 (木)

Today was the outdoor session of sports day. Here students a competing in the "tug of war" contest. Today third year students did not participate because they were in Aomori cheering for the baseball team. The boys won in an unexpected victory yesterday. And the whole school will go to cheer them on in their next game on Saturday.

Pictured here, junior high students from both first and second year participate in the "bread race". Students run from the starting point to the middle of the track, where bread snacks are hanging from strings, catch a snack with their mouth (which is harder than it looks), and continue running the second half of the track.

2007-07-18 (水)

Today was sports day for both junior high and high school. Students from each homeroom competed in basketball, volleyball, soft volleyball, dodge ball, badminton, and jump rope. These are all indoor sports, tomorrow the students will compete in outdoor sports. The baseball players were not at school today because they are playing in the Aomori-ken tournament. They won in the first round. We hope they will make in all the way to the national finals!

Here, second year junior high students play dodge ball.

2007-07-17 (火)

中学スピーチコンテスト中学では第2回英語スピーチコンテストが行われました。一年生は “The Lord's prayer”(主の祈り)の暗唱、二年生は“My Dream”(私の夢)という題での作文を英語でそれぞれ発表しました。クラス予選を通過したクラス代表4名、二学年合計16名 が、時に体も使って発表しました。途中には英会話講座選択者による英会話発表 も行われました。一位は一学年が成田涼華さん、二学年が大山えりさんでした。
Today was the second annual junior high speech contest. First year students recited "The Lord's Prayer". Second year students wrote a guided speech on their future career goals titled "My Dream". Four students from each homeroom participated in this final round of the speech contest. Also, during the intermission, the English Club performed a short skit.

2007-07-13 (金)

Today both Seiai junior and senior high students watched a play at the Civic Center. The play was performed by an ensemble from Tokyo. The play was called "Good man Sechiyuan".

2007-07-12 (木)

Today was the opening ceremony for the Aomori-ken Summer Tournament. The winners of this tournament will go on to the National Baseball Tournament. Seiai players practiced at the City Baseball Stadium today in preparation for their game on Saturday.

クラス予選中学では17日(火)に英語スピーチコンテストが行われます。中学1年は“The Lord's Prayer”(主の祈り。マタイによる福音書6章)、中学2年生は“私の夢”を作文し、それぞれ発表します。コンテストに先立ち本日はクラス予選が行われました。緊張はしていましたが堂々と発表できました。
Tuesday the 17th will be the junior high speech contest. First year students will recite "The Lord's Prayer" and second year students will do a short speech about their future career goals entitled "My Dream". Today each classroom chose four students to go on to the final round of the speech contest.

2007-07-11 (水)

高校3年Dクラス担当礼拝高校3年Dクラス担当礼拝でした。ルカによる福音書10章27節に記されている主イエスと律法学者の対話と、“善いサマリア人”を通して考えたことを、佐々木さんがお話ししました。 「“自分のために”との思いを捨て、 “他人のために”何かする大切さを知った。しかし、それでもなお“自分にとって 損なことはしたくない”思いを持つ自分に気づいた。善いサマリア人のように損 をしてでも何かする人になりたい」という内容でした。その後、ピアノとハンド ベルの音色と共に「めさめよ、わがたま(霊)」(讃美歌370番)を聴かせて くれました。
Today homeroom 3D lead chapel. Students spoke on Luke 10:27 and the importance of "loving your neighbor as yourself". Then the class sang a song, accompanied by the piano, and the postlude was played by the handbell club.

2007-07-10 (火)

マーチング練習吹奏楽部が定期演奏会のためのマーチング練習を始めました。 「マーチングは見て楽しんでもらうものなので、全員で動きをそろえることが難し い」とドラムメジャー(指揮者・3年)が話してくれました。定期演奏会は8月 19日(日)午後4時より弘前市民会館で行われます。中学生3名も参加します。
The marching band is practicing for their annual concert on August 19th. The concert will be at 4 pm at the Hirosaki Civic Center. "Marching adds a visual aspect to the music, and makes it more enjoyable for everyone," the student conductor said. There are also three junior high students who participate in marching band.

2007-07-07 (土)

Final tests are over, but college track students still have extra lessons today. This is the fruit of the Japanese chestnut tree. From now on they will only get larger.

2007-07-06 (金)

ロールプレイングによる学習中学ではテスト後に防犯教室が行われ、弘前警察署の方より喫煙の 怖さと予防について学びました。クイズをした後ビデオを見、その後ケーススタ ディで、「友人にタバコを勧められた時、あなたはどう断るか」を考えました。 友人にタバコを勧める役には教師も動員されました。
After tests today junior highers members of the Hirosaki Police Department came to teach the students about the dangers of smoking. They also taught students how to refuse cigarettes when they are offered one by a friend. Pictured here, Saito-sensei plays the part of the friend offering two students cigarettes.

2007-07-05 (木)

Junior high final tests started today, and high schoolers are taking finals for the second day now. It was a dreary day for finals. The morning was rainy, and it continued to rain all day. There are plums on the plum tree in the traffic circle in front of the school. Last year the tree bore a lot of fruit.

2007-07-04 (水)

High school final tests start today. Tests are all morning, from first period to fourth period. Junior high final tests start tomorrow.

2007-07-03 (火)

小礼拝堂の椅子中学生のみの礼拝が行われる小礼拝堂の椅子です。聖愛には 1998年まで高校生対象の聖愛寮がありました。その祈祷室に置かれていたも ので、全部で9脚あります。聖愛寮は1974年の校舎の移転に若干遅れ1978年に山崎2丁目へ移転しました。この椅子がいつ頃から使用されていたかはわかりませんが、 聖愛寮を知る人には懐かしいものだと思います。
These are the pews in the small chapel. Seiai High School had a dormitory until 1998. These nine pews were originally in the prayer room of that dormitory. Seiai now has a dormitory in cooperation with Kobayashi Shokudou, but we miss the original Seiai dormitory.

2007-07-02 (月)

Final tests for the first term start on Wednesday. Both teachers and students are busy preparing for finals. This week students can not come into the teacher's office, however, they can come to the door and ask a teacher to step outside and help them.

2007-07-01 (日)

Today is the first day of July. The hydrangea by the bicycle parking lot started blooming.

弘前学院聖愛中学高等学校 http://www.seiai.ed.jp/