


SEIAI Journal


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2007-06-01 (金) 高校総体総合開会式
2007-06-02 (土) 高校総体2日目
2007-06-03 (日) 高校総体3日目
2007-06-04 (月) 高校総体4日目
2007-06-05 (火) 高校総体報告会(1校時)
2007-06-06 (水) 花の日礼拝ポスター/雷雨
2007-06-07 (木) 中学校で国語の公開授業
2007-06-08 (金) 高校教育実習最終日
2007-06-10 (日) 山法師の花
2007-06-11 (月) 楓の実
2007-06-12 (火) 花の日礼拝ポスター
2007-06-13 (水) 中体連夏季大会(~15)/高校3A担当礼拝
2007-06-14 (木) 中体連夏季大会バドミントン優勝/シャクヤクの花
2007-06-15 (金) 花の日礼拝
2007-06-16 (土) 竹の子
2007-06-18 (月) 月と金星
2007-06-19 (火) 高校カリキュラム説明会/中学賞状伝達式
2007-06-20 (水) 中学2年サイエンススクール/高校3B担当礼拝
2007-06-22 (金) 高校1年生活教室1日目
2007-06-23 (土) 高校1年生活教室2日目
2007-06-25 (月) 創立記念日
2007-06-26 (火) 創立記念礼拝(1校時)/夏の甲子園青森県予選の抽選会
2007-06-27 (水) 高校3年職場見学/高校3C担当礼拝
2007-06-28 (木) 門から見る校舎
2007-06-29 (金) 聖愛のポスター

2007-06-29 (金)

The new promotional poster for Seiai was just released today.

2007-06-28 (木)

This photo is for the volleyball team's introductory information in the Inter-high tournament. Because of the trees, it is a little hard to see the school building. But the gate stands out against the trees.

2007-06-27 (水)

職場見学高校3年生の就職希望者を対象に職場見学をしました。 検査機械を製造している会社とスーパーを見学させてもらいました。 いつも訪れているスーパーも、職場としてい見るとずいぶんん違う印象を受けました。 7月に入れば求人票が公開されます。
There was an informational meeting for third year students from a local company that does supermarket inspections. Interested students gave their contact information to the company. The company will start recruiting in July.

担当礼拝今朝は3年Cクラスの担当礼拝でした。創世記16章5~9節に記され ている女奴隷ハガルに語られた言葉をもとに、柳谷さんが「辛いことに直面し た時、運命といって諦めるのではなく、踏みとどまり続けることの大切さを知っ た。私たち高校三年生はそれぞれの進路を真剣に考えなければならない。自分が どこへ向かおうとしているのか、考え続けたい」とのお話をしてくれました。こ の後、“この世のなみかぜさわぎ”(2編157番)をクラスで賛美しました。女子 だけのクラスなため、3年A、B組とはひと味違った綺麗な歌声でした。
This morning chapel was lead by homeroom 3C. Students spoke on Hagar in Genesis 16:5-9. Although she was treated badly, she persevered. Class 3C encouraged all third year students to do the same and do their best this year.

2007-06-26 (火)

抽選会第89回夏の甲子園青森県予選の抽選会がありました。 7月14日(土)11:30から、青森市営球場で弘前中央高校との 対戦が決まりました。トーナメント表をみて、生徒はいっそう 気を引き締めていました。
The brackets for the regional section of the 89th Annual National High School Baseball Tournament were posted today. Our first game will be on Saturday July 14th at 11:30am. We play against Hirosaki Chuo High School at the stadium in Aomori-shi. Our boys are already gearing up for the challenge.

石川敞一牧師 創立記念礼拝が行われました。本校の源流は121年前の1886 年6月25日にまでさかのぼります。その日に弘前教会・本多庸一牧師はじめ女 性宣教師により弘前教会内に開校し、来徳(ライト)女学校と呼ばれました。 今日の礼拝の説教者は日本キリスト教団弘前西教会牧師・石川敞一先生です。 先生の母君や姉妹、またお連れ合いは聖愛出身だそうです。今日の聖書の箇所と して、コリントの信徒への手紙Ⅱ4章18節を読んで、 「昔も今もこれからも、目に見えない神様を信じる、その思いを学校と そこで学ぶ生徒達は大切にして欲しい」と力強く語って下さいました。
First hour today was the memorial worship service for the 121st anniversary of Seiai. When it first started, Seiai High School was in Hirosaki Church, under the direction of Pastor Honda (a displaced samurai), and a woman missionary from the Methodist Women's Mission Society. Today the pastor from Hirosaki West Church spoke on 2 Corinthians 4:18. His mother and sisters all graduated from Seiai.

2007-06-25 (月)

Today is Seiai's anniversary, so there is no school (however college prep track students did have a few supplementary lessons this morning).

2007-06-23 (土)

未来の自分へメッセージ生活教室二日目です。クラスの交わりを深めることの多かった一日 目に異なり、二日目は自分をみつめる時間が多いのが特徴です。自分の過去・現 在・未来を見つめ、30歳の自分へメッセージを書き、全クラスの前で一人ずつ 発表しました。「元気?中学・高校で出会った人たちに教わったことを頭に入れ ながら、今やるべきことを考えて生活してください」や、「小学校6年生の担任 は疲れると思うけど、襲いかかってくる何かに負けないように」と発表した生徒 もいます。この後の閉会礼拝をもって、今年度の中学高校全ての生活教室を終え ました。
Today is the second day of the school retreat. Today students reflected on their lives, how they have developed, and what they want to be in the future. Then students shared their stories and dreams with the large group. After this there was closing worship for the end of the retreat.

2007-06-22 (金)

This weekend first year classes 1D, 1E and 1F are having their school retreat. Here students are having a candlelight worship service. Students also learn about the basics of the Bible and Christianity, and they learn the history of Seiai High School. This is also a time for classmates to get to know each other and build up class unity.

2007-06-20 (水)

Today second year junior high school students are having "science school" at the PR Center in Rokkasho. Students learned about ways to conserve energy and alternative energy sources like solar and wind energy. Later students will write a report about how they can conserve energy and how alternative energy sources can be better utilized.

3年Bクラスの担当礼拝高校3年Bクラスの担当礼拝でした。バスケット部の唐牛(かろうじ)さんが、高校総体で 満足のいく結果が残せなくて落ち込んでいたときに「『できれば』と言うか、信 じる者には何でもできる。」(マルコによる福音書9章23節)の言葉に励まされ、次の目標に向けて歩み始 めることができた、と話してくれました。 後奏は伊藤君のピアノ演奏でした。
Today's chapel was led by homeroom 3B. Three students from 3B lead the worship, gave the prayer, and delivered a sermon on Mark 9:23 "Everything is possible for him who believes." The postlude was a piano piece, also played by a 3B student.

2007-06-19 (火)

賞状伝達式中学では先日行われた中体連地区大会報告・賞状伝達式が行われま した。バドミントン・シングルス(女子)と、初参加の器械体操団体(女子)が それぞれ優勝し、県大会に挑みます。器械体操個人(女子)は1,2,4位でし た。また、別の大会ですが、テニス・ダブルス(女子)は7月に東北大会に、空手 道(女子)も7月に県大会に挑戦します。まだ中学だけでチームを結成できない 部活もありますが、それぞれが頑張っています。
Although the junior high sports conference was a few days ago, participating students were recognized at Seiai today. Junior high students from the badminton, tennis, gymnastics and karate clubs received awards.

Today there was an explanation of courses and tracks for second year students. This information helps students choose which elective classes they will take next year. The meeting was lead by the Chief of Academic Affairs.

2007-06-18 (月)

Tonight's lunar phase was clearly visible with the naked eye, but Seiai students can also view the stars through the telescope in the astronomy dome. The star in the picture, Venus, is also clearly visible.

2007-06-16 (土)

Near the student entrance, there is a bamboo shoot growing. The bamboo shoot looks healthy, but the stocks it came from is not doing so well. This is actually the second one to sprout here this year. The first sprout was cut off to keep the stock healthy, but now this new sprout maybe needed.

2007-06-15 (金)

This afternoon, students from each homeroom delivered flowers to patients of hospitals and nursing homes. They also delivered flowers to local police and fire stations. Pictured here, the mayor was also given a bouquet. Since it's mission school beginning, Seiai has held Flower Day annually to help students practice showing gratitude to those who helped provide a good community for them (i.e. their elders and civic officials).

花の日礼拝今日は花の日礼拝です。生徒教職員が花を持ち寄り、礼拝堂や教室 の前に花を飾って礼拝を行いました。お話はイザヤ書12章より、「今私たちが 生きていることは当然のことではなく、文字通り“有り難い”こと。神に感謝すべ きことである。私たちは“有り難う”という言葉を大切にし、感謝の思いを持ち 寄った花に託し、様々な所にお届けしたい」というお話でした。
Today is the "Flower Day" chapel. Students brought many flowers from home and put them together at the front of the chapel.

2007-06-14 (木)

中体連夏季大会バドミントン中体連夏季大会バドミントン女子シングルス優勝。2年安田梨紗選手。 昨年に続き2連覇達成。決勝を含めすべて2-0のストレート勝ち。決勝の対戦 相手は弘前一中の1年生。安田選手とともに3年生を下しての決勝進出でした。 脚に突然のけがを抱えながらも、試合毎に調子をあげ、全く危なげのない試合運 びでした。県全体でも負けたことのあるライバルは1人のみであり、県大会での 優勝、さらに東北・全国大会での活躍が期待されます。
Today women's badminton had a singles tournament. Pictured here, Yasuda is one of Seiai's best athletes, but this year she has a slight leg injury. However, in spite of her injury, she won today's matches 2-0.

Every year the beautiful peonies bloom outside the first gym. The students enjoyed their break just outside the gym doors.

2007-06-13 (水)

バスケットボール競技中学では中体連夏季大会 バスケットボール競技(女子)の全校応援に市民体育館へ行きました。 対戦相手は弘前一中でした。部員7名は全員2年生で、全力で臨みましたが、 残念ながら41対78で負けてしまいました。でも1年生が「全力の姿がかっこい い」といっていました。よく頑張りました。
The junior high had their sports tournament today. The girl's basketball team played today, and junior high students went to cheer them on. They played Hirosaki Junior High Number One. Sadly, they were defeated 41 to 78. But the Seiai junior high basketball program only has seven team members, so they could not make many substitutions.

HR担当礼拝高校2・3年生がクラスごとに朝の礼拝を担当する“HR(ホームルーム)担当礼拝”です。お話・お祈り・司会・奏楽の全てを生徒が担当します。 今朝は3年A組の担当。創世記13章9節の「あなたが左に行くなら、わ たしは右に行こう」というアブラムの言葉をもとに、「神の思いを祈り求めつ つ、他人のことを思うことについて考えさせられた」というお話でした。この 後、“おもえば昔イエスきみ”(讃美歌467番)をクラスで歌い、ハンドベルの きれいな音色も聴かせてくれました。
Today the 3A homeroom lead the morning chapel service. Students gave the sermon, and they lead the hymn and the prayer. There was also a handbell performance for the postlude of the service.

2007-06-12 (火)

Students from each homeroom made posters to promote the "Flower Day" chapel service on Friday the 15th. That day students from each homeroom will arrange a bouquet, and after school we will deliver the bouquets to nursing homes, hospitals, etc.

2007-06-11 (月)

The maple trees started seeding today. The seeds stand out beautifully against the scenery.

2007-06-10 (日)

These are the flowers of the Yamaboushi tree. The blossoms are plenty and beautiful.

2007-06-08 (金)

Today was the last day for our student teachers at Seiai. They have been here for three weeks. Today they taught lessons by themselves.

2007-06-07 (木)

Today first and second year junior high advanced track students had a combined lesson for their Japanese literature class. They read Japanese classics and discussed the characters, plot, motivation, etc.

2007-06-06 (水)

Today there were a thunderstorms for most of the day. It was especially heavy in the afternoon while students were having athletic practice and supplementary lessons. The electricity flickered a few times.

June 15th will be the special "flower day" chapel service. Each homeroom makes a bouquet and brings it to chapel. After school, students deliver the bouquets to hospitals, nursing homes, care centers etc. in Hirosaki. Today students are making posters to remind everyone that the "flower day" service is coming up.

2007-06-05 (火)

高校総体の報告会今日の1時間目に高校総体の報告会が行われました。 ソフトボール(14年ぶり)とバレーボール(3年連続)が優勝したものの、友 情杯(女子総合2位) にはあと一歩手が届きませんでした。優勝したソフト、バレーの他に 器械体操部の高橋さんがインターハイに出場します。
This morning during first period there was an assembly to report the results of the athletic tournament. Students were given their awards in front of the entire student body.

2007-06-04 (月)

The softball and volleyball girls both won first place today, and the kyudo girls also got second place today. So Seiai won third place in overall wins in the athletic tournament. We narrowly lost the Friendship Cup to Aomori Chuo High.

The softball team won first place in the athletic tournament, the first time in 14 years. The other teams were challenging opponents but our girls persevered, and won!

All high school students were at the athletics conference today, so the junior high students sat in their seats for chapel. The junior high students usually sit in the balcony. The chapel was built in 1929. When Seiai moved from downtown to the suburbs in 1974, the chapel building was moved to the new location. It is still the place for everyday worship. Second year junior high student Ayana Chiba played the piano at today's chapel service.

2007-06-03 (日)

On the third day of the athletic tournament, girl's tennis is in the third round. Badminton qualified for runner-up. Basketball is still playing a "best of 8". Kyudo, softball and (women's) volleyball are in the semifinals. This photograph is the boy's volleyball team, the team is small but they work hard.

2007-06-02 (土)

Today is the second day of the all prefectural athletic conference. The gymnastics girls proceeded to rank 2. Table tennis is in the middle of a "best of 16" tournament. Tennis and badminton have advanced to the semifinals. Basketball and softball have advanced to their second rounds, and volleyball has advanced to the third round. The student council is tracking each sport's progress on these bracket posters in the main hallway.

2007-06-01 (金)

選手宣誓弘前運動公園陸上競技場で第60回県高校総合体育大会 総合開会式が開かれました。本校バレーボール部の沼田愛主将が選手宣誓をしました。また、各校のプラカードを持つ係りも本校の担当でした。昨年は友情杯(女子総合2位)を獲得できました。今年もがんばります。
This year the opening ceremony for the all prefectural athletic conference was held in Hirosaki. Seiai's volleyball team's skill is famous in the prefecture. Our volleyball team captain gave the pledge for good sportsman and conduct. Also, since the ceremony was in Hirosaki this year, Seiai students escorted the delegations from each school during the opening procession.
Last year Seiai won the Friendship Cup, and we are predicted to win the Friendship Cup again this year.

弘前学院聖愛中学高等学校 http://www.seiai.ed.jp/