


SEIAI Journal


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2007-04-01 (日) サンシュユのつぼみ
2007-04-02 (月) 野球部の合宿8日目
2007-04-03 (火) 野球部の合宿9日目
2007-04-05 (木) 入学式の準備
2007-04-06 (金) 始業式・入学式
2007-04-09 (月) オリエンテーション
2007-04-10 (火) 身体測定・部紹介
2007-04-11 (水) 健康診断・授業開始
2007-04-13 (金) 高校1年実力テスト
2007-04-16 (月) ポプラの木の梢に芽
2007-04-17 (火) PTA総会(3校時まで授業、中学は授業参観あり)
2007-04-18 (水) SPG練習開始
2007-04-19 (木) 中学校の朝の礼拝
2007-04-20 (金) 中学午前授業
2007-04-21 (土) サンシュユ満開
2007-04-22 (日) 梅の花
2007-04-23 (月) 中学校2学年が実力テスト
2007-04-24 (火) 生徒会アセンブリー
2007-04-25 (水) 4月の英語礼拝
2007-04-26 (木) 避難訓練
2007-04-27 (金) 中学1年生活教室(1日目)
2007-04-28 (土) 中学1年生活教室(2日目)
2007-04-29 (日) 入学記念礼拝
2007-04-30 (月) 高校特進は補習

2007-04-30 (月)

The college track course at Seiai regularly has classes Saturday mornings. There was a national holiday on Sunday, and because of this, basic track students had no school today. However, college track students attended class today. Slowly but surely spring is coming, and the trees continue to blossom.

2007-04-29 (日)

At Seiai incoming students must attend a local church at least once, either today or next Sunday. Today students may go to Hirosaki Church, West Church, South Church or Fujisaki Church. In the picture is Hirosaki Church with the Sakura tree in bloom. Hirosaki Church was started by a Methodist women's group, Seiai High School started at Hirosaki Church.

2007-04-28 (土)

中学生活教室二日目です。 今日のワークショップは、一グループ5~6人に分かれてそれぞれ意見を出し合 い、話し合いをしながら、考えたことを一枚の模造紙にまとめて書きました。 テーマはマルコによる福音書4章の「からし種」のたとえ。自分にまかれた小さな“からし種”とは何かを考え、どうやったら大きく成長させられるかを考えました。
Today is the last day of the junior high retreat. The students broke into discussion groups of 5-6 people and discussed the Mark chapter 4 passage, "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed...the smallest of all seeds...but when it is planted it becomes the largest plant." which is the theme for the year. Before returning home, this group photo was taken. The weather this weekend has been great, and the view of Mt Iwaki has been beautiful.

2007-04-27 (金)

Tonight was the candle light service at the junior high retreat. As they sang a hymn, they lit their candles starting from one candle in the front and spreading. This symbolizes the spreading of God's message from one person to another. One by one, you look back and see how God's love has spread and continues to move forward.

Today the retreat for first year junior high students began. They learned about the history of Seiai and had a time of worship. In the picture it is lunch time. Before lunch they blessed the food and sang a hymn. This is a new experience for many students, but they did well.

2007-04-26 (木)

There was a fire drill today during 6th period. It was sunny, but the weather was a little cold and windy. Students walked quickly and quietly outside while wearing their indoor shoes. So when they came into the building again they wiped their shoes off on towels.

2007-04-25 (水)

Today's chapel was English Worship with Mr. Nick. He spoke about the Easter egg, Easter egg hunts, and the new life in Christ the Easter egg represents.

2007-04-24 (火)

Today the student council made announcements over the intercom during first period. The announcement was explaining the budget for club activities. After that each homeroom had a time for discussion and questions.

2007-04-23 (月)

Today second year junior high students took an ability test. There was no studying for this test. The test shows the teachers that students learned what they were supposed to learn last year. Today the sparrows returned to campus too.

2007-04-22 (日)

Yesterday the cherry blossom festival officially started at Hirosaki Park, and today the cherry tree near the library began to bloom. The Sakura (Cherry Blossom) Festival is an important festival in Japan. The local dates of the festival depend on the blooming of the Sakura trees.

2007-04-21 (土)

Spring has sprung! The Sanshyuyu is in bloom too.

2007-04-20 (金)

Today was the junior high teacher's educational research meeting. Today the first blossom of the Camellia flower bloomed near the main office.

2007-04-19 (木)

小礼拝堂木曜日と金曜日の礼拝は中高別々で行われます。中学校だけの礼拝で使っている小礼拝堂は1学年だけだと空席が目立ちましたが、2年目の新入生が入り、教員も合わせると70名を 越えていっぱいです。今日のお話はマタイによる福音書4章の「人はパンだけで 生きるものではない。神の口から出る一つ一つの言葉で生きる」についてでした。
Today and tomorrow, the junior high is having separate chapel services in the small chapel on the 4th floor. With teachers and students there are about 70 people in the small chapel. Today's sermon was on the gospel teaching, "Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God."

2007-04-18 (水)

SPG (the Seiai cheerleaders, Seiai Pretty Girls), started basic training today for new members of the team. Their voices echo in front of campus. This year's second and third year students are proud to share their expertise with the incoming first year students.

2007-04-17 (火)

The general PTA meeting was held in the chapel today. New members were admitted and a new chairman was chosen. Also the year's activity policy and budget were approved. About 140 people participated.

中学2年スタンダードコースの理科の授業中学では授業参観が行われました。2年スタンダードコースの理科 を教えているのは、“弘前市子ども天文”で地域にも知られた藤田栄一先生です。 生徒は電気について楽しく学びました。
The second year junior high standard course's science lesson today was about electricity. Mr. Fujita was the teacher. Besides his regular duties at Seiai, he is also involved in the Hirosaki City Children's Astronomy program. He also supervises the Earth Science Club at Seiai.

2007-04-16 (月)

The poplar trees started to bud today. The leaves should be starting in a few more days. The weather is finally getting warmer!

2007-04-13 (金)

All of the student health checks have been completed. The nurse's office examined all students. Here they are preparing for the urine tests next week. The "after spring break" academic test was also given today to first year students during 1st, 2nd and 3rd periods.

2007-04-11 (水)

Today lessons started. And the teachers all became very busy. As you can see on this graph, the campus network traffic increased tremendously around the beginning of first period.

2007-04-10 (火)

This afternoon was the club assembly. All the new junior and senior high students sat in the gym, while upperclassmen from the various clubs encouraged the students to join their club. Including sports, there are 35 clubs at Seiai. NEW -> Pictured here is the Earth Science Club.

2007-04-09 (月)

身体測定今日初めて3学年がそろいました。 身体測定の他、各部のオリエンテーションが行われました。 1年生は校舎の造りを覚えるために、各教室棟を回っていました。 1回ではなかなか覚えられない複雑な造りです。 新しい年度が始まりました。
Today was orientation for all students. School pictures were taken, homeroom committee leaders were elected, chapel manners were reviewed, etc. After the health check tomorrow, lessons will start.

2007-04-06 (金)

This afternoon was the entrance ceremony for both new junior high students and new high school students. Thirty-three junior high students and 212 high school students entered Seiai this year.
Seiai has been a co-ed school since the year 2000, however, the public still perceives Seiai as a "girls' school". The entering junior high class is about 30% male, while the entering high school class was about 25% male.

中学校の学級入学式の後、中学校も学級ごとに 顔合わせをしました。新入生はさすがに緊張していたようで、とても静かに担任の先生の話を聞いていました。 今年の中学校はスタンダードコース18名、アドバンスコース15名、計33名が入学しました。
After the entrance ceremony every junior high homeroom met with their teacher for the first time. This year there are 18 standard track students and 15 advanced track students in the junior high.

2007-04-05 (木)

Today is the day before school starts. Teachers were busy cleaning the shoe lockers at the student entrance and preparing for the entrance ceremony. Seiai is ready to welcome a new year of students and ready to continue our tradition of educational excellence.

2007-04-03 (火)

野球部の合宿9日目です。今日は、試合、練習を休みにして観光をしました。 修学旅行では行かないようなコースを組んでみました。 平安神宮見学の後、京都市立美術館で「大エルミタージュ美術館展」をみました。 その後は大徳寺で大仙院の枯山水を堪能した後、 京セラドームでオリックス対千葉ロッテを見ました。 スコアボードに大きく「弘前学院聖愛中学高等学校」の名前が映し出され、 歓迎されました。 明日は合宿最後の試合になります。
Today was a travel studying day for the baseball team field trip. These are experiences the students cannot have in the classroom. Students visited famous Kansai landmarks including: the Heian Shrine, the Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art, the Daitoku temple and dry landscaping garden. In the evening, the students watched the Orix Buffaloes play against the Chiba Lotte Marines at the Kyoucera Dome.

2007-04-02 (月)

野球部の合宿8日目です。今日は、練習試合を2試合しました。 夜は自主練習でバットを振ります。今はレギュラー争いに 勝ち抜くために頑張っています。 明日は京都観光です。美術館、大学、枯山水の見学と修学旅行とは ひと味違った京都めぐりをします。夜はプロ野球観戦です。 全ての分野の一流を見て人間の器を大きくします。 これも甲子園出場のためです。
Today is the eighth day of the baseball trip. The day's activity was batting practice. Tomorrow will be sight seeing in Kyoto: the art museum, a local university, and of course eating the local famous foods of Kyoto. Tomorrow evening the team will watch a professional baseball game. Seeing the experts excel in all their fields should inspire the team to do their best - both on and off the field.

2007-04-01 (日)

The weather is still cold, but today the Sanshiyuyu trees budded.

弘前学院聖愛中学高等学校 http://www.seiai.ed.jp/