


SEIAI Journal


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2007-02-01 (木) 中学生が箏を体験/高校1年スキー学習
2007-02-02 (金) 高校2年スキー学習
2007-02-04 (日) 東北高等学校放送コンテスト朗読部門で優秀賞
2007-02-05 (月) 養護教諭の常勤講師着任
2007-02-06 (火) 国公立大学などの受験準備をする生徒たち
2007-02-07 (水) コブシ(辛夷)
2007-02-08 (木) 後輩にむけて学校紹介
2007-02-09 (金) 岩木山
2007-02-10 (土) 中学入学者説明会
2007-02-12 (月) 春高バレー県代表
2007-02-13 (火) 高校入学試験準備完了
2007-02-14 (水) 高校入学試験
2007-02-15 (木) 高校入学試験採点日(生徒休み)
2007-02-17 (土) 中学試験対策講座
2007-02-19 (月) 帰りのバス
2007-02-20 (火) 大学案内の入れ替え
2007-02-21 (水) 高校入学試験合格発表
2007-02-22 (木) 中学期末試験1
2007-02-23 (金) 中学期末試験2
2007-02-26 (月) 高校3年生の合唱練習
2007-02-27 (火) 高校3年卒業礼拝
2007-02-28 (水) 高校卒業式総練習/春高バレー壮行式

2007-02-28 (水)

Today there was a pep rally for the volleyball team. They qualified for the national tournament. The principal commended their efforts and wished them good luck at the national tournament. Today was also the final practice for the graduation ceremony - the entire school was involved in this practice.

2007-02-27 (火)

Today was the last chapel service for graduating third year students. Chaplain Isihigaki-sensei spoke. There were also performances by the choir and the handbell club.

2007-02-26 (月)

This morning third year students practiced singing for their graduation ceremony as the sun shone into the windows of the chapel. Unlike other graduation services, there is no choir. All the graduating students sing.

2007-02-23 (金)

New wireless microphones were installed in the chapel today. They are a memorial gift from this year's graduating students. They will be very useful for the upcoming high school graduation ceremony.

2007-02-22 (木)

Today is the first day of final tests for the junior high. This is the sanshiyuyu flower. Last year it budded late, but this year the winter is warm. The buds are just starting to bloom today. Isn't it beautiful?

2007-02-21 (水)

Today passing grades for the high school entrance exam were announced. Parents and students can come to the main entrance and view the results.

2007-02-20 (火)

A new shelf for the college and career information packets was installed today.

2007-02-19 (月)

Here in Hirosaki, the city buses make regularly scheduled stops at the school. There is actually a city bus stop on campus. Students, teachers and staff can ride the bus for about 210 yen, or buy a seasonal pass.

2007-02-17 (土)

The snow started to melt today in the sunny weather. We are all anxious to see spring. As the snow melted the husks of unpicked persimmons appeared on the trees.

2007-02-14 (水)

Today is the Entrance Exam for prospective high school students. The teachers are waiting patiently to guide the students to their exam room.

2007-02-13 (火)

Tomorrow is the beginning of high school entrance exam. This is part of the application process for Seiai ( all high schools in Japan, public or private, have entrance exams this time of year ). Students cleaned their homerooms and the surrounding hallways, bathrooms, etc. this morning. This way the school looks its best when potential students and their parents visit.

2007-02-12 (月)

Last year the volleyball team won the Aomori championship and went on to the national championship. There they were beaten in the first round by the Kanagawa team. This year the volleyball team won the Aomori championship again. They are determined to win at the national championship as well. Everyone wants them to do well. The banner above the student entrance cheers them on to victory.

2007-02-10 (土)

校歌を紹介する中学1年生中学校で入学者説明会が行われました。中学1年生は全員で校歌斉 唱の後、ハンドベルで讃美歌 “主われをあいす”(461番)と “われをもすく いし”(II編167番 アメージング・グレイス)を演奏し、部活動・芸術活動の紹 介を行い、集まった小学生や保護者の方々を歓迎しました。
Today is orientation for new junior high students. New students and parents were first welcomed at the chapel. Current students sang songs and played hand bell songs.

2007-02-09 (金)

The sky was clear today, and nearby Iwaki Mountain was clearly visible. Iwaki Mountain majestically stands alone. At this time of year its valleys are accented with snow, making it even more beautiful.

2007-02-08 (木)

Orientation for new junior high students will be this Saturday, February 10th. Orientation for new high school students will be in March.

2007-02-07 (水)

It is very warm weather this winter. We can see the ground beneath the snow here and there. This is a magnolia kobus tree at Seiai, but it is too early for it to sprout.

2007-02-06 (火)

ガイダンスルーム2月より高校3年生は自宅待機期間に入りました。 しかし、国公立大学の2次試験や私立大学を受験する生徒たちが出校しています。 ガイダンスルーム(進路指導室)では補習授業を受けたり、自分たちで勉強をしている姿が見られます。
The school year for third year high school students has ended. But some students still come to school to study for pending college exams and career focused learning. This studying is self-guided.

2007-02-05 (月)

引き継ぎ作業中養護教諭の八木先生(旧姓、阿部先生)は3月から産前休暇に入ります。 そのため保健室には2月1日から養護教諭の常勤講師の先生が来られました。 棟方恵実先生です。着任早々熱心に引き継ぎ作業を行っています。
The regular school nurse, Ms. Yagi, will soon be gone on maternity leave. Seiai has hired a short-term nurse to fill in during her absence. This week Ms. Yagi is teaching the short-term nurse about her every day duties here at Seiai.

2007-02-04 (日)

This Saturday and Sunday was the 10th annual Tohoku Broadcast Contest in Morioka City in Iwate Prefecture. The competition was intense, but our own Rie Mikami won first prize.

2007-02-02 (金)

天気にも恵まれてスキー教室2日目は高校2年生です。昨日にも増して、雪質もよく 天気にも恵まれました。「もっとすべりたい」という声が聞かれました。 帰りのバスはみんなぐっすりでした。
Second year high school students had their ski lesson today. The weather and the snow were both favorable.

2007-02-01 (木)

満喫大鰐温泉スキー場を会場にスキー教室が開かれました。今日は1年生が対象です。昨日雨が降り、雪も少なくコンディションが心配で したが、新しい雪も何とか積もり、降ってきた雪も濡れ雪ではなかったので、とても楽しく元気に滑ることができました。級別の班毎 にそれぞれ分かれ存分に満喫していました。大きなケガや事故もなく無事に終了したことが何より!
Today is the ski lesson for first year high school students at the nearby Owani Ski Resort. Yesterday the weather was rainy - unfavorable for skiing. But it snowed last night and continued to snow today. So the ski trip was not canceled. Since the students have been cooped up this winter, they were glad to get out on the slopes.

実際に箏に触れたり 中学生が音楽の授業で箏を体験しました。本校の高校三年生で、生田流の箏を学んでいる工藤洸子さんを講師に招いて、楽器のなりたちや奏法を学び、実際に箏に触れたり演奏を聞いたりしました。みなとても興味深げに授業に参加していました。日本文化に関心のあるニック先生も特別参加しました。
At today's junior high music lesson, third year student Kudou Kouko, taught the students how to play the koto. Kudou then played three melodies for the students. Foreign English teacher Nick-sensei also participated. The koto has a very traditional sound, and everyone was very interested in this lesson.

弘前学院聖愛中学高等学校 http://www.seiai.ed.jp/