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SEIAI Journal


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2009-03-01 (日) 夕方から雪
2009-03-02 (月) 卒業式総練習
2009-03-03 (火) 中学高校卒業式
2009-03-04 (水) 中学生の壁新聞
2009-03-06 (金) 高校入学者説明会準備完了
2009-03-07 (土) 高校入学者説明会
2009-03-09 (月) 中高期末試験
2009-03-10 (火) 中高期末試験
2009-03-11 (水) 高校期末試験/中学実力診断テスト
2009-03-12 (木) 中学生だけの礼拝
2009-03-13 (金) 校庭の木々
2009-03-17 (火) 中学2年生の English Training Camp の準備
2009-03-18 (水) 中学校今年度の最終授業
2009-03-19 (木) 終業式/退任式
2009-03-20 (金) 中学2年生の English Training Camp
2009-03-21 (土) English Training Camp 2日目
2009-03-22 (日) English Training Camp 3日目
2009-03-24 (火) ソフトボール部出発
2009-03-25 (水) 高校二次入試
2009-03-26 (木) 高校二次入試合格発表/購買部
2009-03-27 (金) 高校二次入学者説明会
2009-03-28 (土) SPG仙台へ
2009-03-29 (日) 野球部遠征だより
2009-03-31 (火) サンシュユのつぼみ

2009-03-31 (火)

It's still dog cold here, but the dogwood trees have come out of their hard husks and started to blossom.

2009-03-29 (日)

his is the third day of baseball camp. They are doing some sight seeing during their trip. Here they are peering off a famous ocean side cliff called Tou-jin-bou in Fukui-ken. The other day they went to some practice games as well.

2009-03-28 (土)

Today the drill team went to Sendai for a workshop on cheerleading safety.

2009-03-27 (金)

Today was the second explanatory meeting for new high school students. This morning it snowed, but by the afternoon the snow had all melted. The tree in the traffic circle has started to turn yellow. Spring is coming.

2009-03-26 (木)

This is the school store. New students will be able to buy their uniforms, etc. here from 8am to noon every day until Saturday.

2009-03-25 (水)

The second chance entrance exam was held today. Only a few people took the test. The results will be posted soon.

2009-03-24 (火)

ソフトボール部は東日本高等学校女子ソフトボール大会に出場する ため、神奈川県に向けて出発しました。 初戦は27日(金)東京立正高校です。
The softball team is leaving for the "Eastern Japan Softball Tournament" in Kanagawa-ken today. Their first match will be on Friday the 27th.

2009-03-22 (日)

中学校2年 English Training Camp 最終日です。礼拝と英語読書の後、英語で感想文を書きました。自分の意見や感想を英語で表現する難しさと、うまく伝えられたときの楽しさを、生徒たちは感じたようです。
Today is the last day of English camp. Since this is Sunday, there was a special chapel service. The Bible reading and the hymn were in English as well. After chapel students wrote reflections about camp in English. It was difficult for students to express themselves, but most seemed to enjoy the challenge.

2009-03-21 (土)

中学校2年 English Training Camp の二日目です。 グループごとに昨日とは異なる四つの活動に取り組みました。Nick 先生の活動では、紙に何が描かれているかを英語で説明するゲームをしました。冷蔵庫は難しく大きさを手ぶりで表現していました。
Today is the second day of the English Camp. Today students are working in groups. Pictured here is a game taught by Mr. Nick where students have to describe an item and other students guess what it is. The student is looking at a picture of a refrigerator on the card and trying to describe it. Here students learned that not only words, but also gestures are important when communicating.

2009-03-20 (金)

中学2年の “English Training Camp” が、岩木青少年スポーツセンターで始まりました。日程は二泊三日。初日は四グループに分かれ、それぞれ四つの活動に取り組みました。 すべて英語です。その内の一つ、オーストラリア出身の Vikki 先生の “City of Sydney” という活動は、シドニーで有名なものを描いたカルタを利用して行われました。 生徒が描かれている絵の特徴を読み上げ、他の生徒が正しい絵のカルタを早くとることを競います。
From today until Sunday afternoon, second grade junior highers will have "English Training Camp" at a camp near Mt. Iwaki. The students were split into groups of about 8 each and rotated through activities with the four English teachers. These activities were all in English. Pictured here on the left, Ms. Vikki from Australia teaches supervises a game about things to do and see in Sydney. Students read a description of a place, and the students had to run and find the matching picture.

2009-03-19 (木)

Today was the closing ceremony for the end of the school year. Three long time teachers are retiring this year. From left to right, music teacher Mrs. Sasamori, English teacher Mrs. Hagino, and PE teacher Mrs. Ishioka. Each taught here for over twenty years. They will be missed.

2009-03-18 (水)

Today was the last day of junior high lessons. These students' last lesson was English. Their teacher will also be retiring this year. Tomorrow the closing ceremony will bring a nice bit of closure to the end of the year.

2009-03-17 (火)

中学2年生は今月20日から二泊三日で English Training Camp を行います。これは中学3年生の秋に海外語学研修でオーストラリアへ行くので、その事前学習のひとつです。英語で生活しながらオーストラリアの文化や食などを学びます。今日は、グループ分け、係分担などを行いました。
Starting this Friday, the junior high students who will go to Australia this October will have "English Training Camp" to prepare them for their trip and the homestay. Today students gave reports on Australia in groups.

2009-03-13 (金)

This is a view of the school from the south. The tree in the center is a larch. You can barely recognize it without the leaves.

2009-03-12 (木)

Today final tests are finished, but junior high students still have classes. Pictured here, junior high students have chapel. They usually sit in the balcony, but since high school students are gone they used the main floor today.

2009-03-11 (水)

Today is the last day of final tests. There was a sudden snow flurry today, and now we are back to winter weather again.

2009-03-10 (火)

Today is the second day of final tests. It's warming up today. Here a limb that fell from the tree due to heavy snow is uncovered in the melting snow.

2009-03-09 (月)

Today is the first day of final tests for the third term for both high school and junior high. During chapel this morning, the chaplain spoke about the parable of the talents from Matt 25, and urged students to seize the chances they have to succeed as final tests start.

2009-03-07 (土)

Today was the explanatory meeting for students who want to enter Seiai High School next year. Two hundred fifty-five applicants and their parents came for the presentation.

2009-03-06 (金)

Tomorrow is the explanatory meeting for students who will enter Seiai in April. Today after school teachers put up signs, arranged presentation equipment, etc. in preparation for tomorrow's event.

2009-03-04 (水)

First and second grade junior highers made good bye posters for the graduating third graders. Yesterday after the graduation ceremony these posters were on display near the school store on the way out of the gym. They will be on display until next Wednesday.

2009-03-03 (火)

中学校、高等学校の卒業式でした。卒業生の合唱 Hail Holy Queen では静かなハーモニーと共に、はつらつとした心意気も見せてくれました。
Today was the combined graduation ceremony for both junior high and high school students. Pictured here, the graduates show their youthful spirits while singing "Hail Holy Queen".

2009-03-02 (月)

Today students practiced for the graduation ceremony. During the ceremony, all the students sing so we practiced scrupulously today.

2009-03-01 (日)

Last night it snowed. During the day the snow melted. In the afternoon the mush froze again. This makes it especially hard for students to walk home.

弘前学院聖愛中学高等学校 http://www.seiai.ed.jp/